This service is currently unavailable. ICT and the Symplectic team are trying to fix the issue. Please check back here for further updates.

If you were personally contacted by as an affected user of the upgrade follow the below instructions.

They will guide you through deleting ORCID publication records in order to re-authorise ORCID to Symplectic and benefit from an automatic sharing of publications between ORCID and Symplectic.

Increasingly, funders are choosing to mandate the use of ORCID and using ORCID as the record of publication in funding submission portals.

  1. Log in to your ORCID profile

Orcid sign in page







2. If you are not taken to your ORCID record click ‘View my ORCID record’ on the top right-hand corner

View my Orcid record page






3. On your ORCID record, scroll down to ‘Works’, here you will see all your publications recognised by ORCID.

4. Click the ‘select all box’. This will select all the publications.

Orcid webpage with the tickbox highlighted








5. Scan through the list of selected items and individually deselect any that do not exist also in Symplectic. The reason they might not appear in Symplectic is either they were published prior to your employment at Imperial and did not import them or you chose to reject them from your Symplectic profile for any reason.

6. Click ‘DELETE’. This will delete all the selected works. Don’t worry- by following the next steps you will synchronise ORCID with your entire Symplectic publications record!

Orcid webpage with the delete box highlighted




7. Log in to your Symplectic Elements account

8. Go to Menu > My Account > ORCID Settings

Symplectic webpage with the Orcid settings highlighted










9. Under ‘Configure connection’ you are presented with options to select under ‘I permit Symplectic Elements to’.

Select Connet your ORCID ID.

 Connect ORCID ID button highlighted





 10. Sign into ORCID. If you are asked to Authorise Imperial College London, please click Authorise.

ORCID authorize button highlighted







11. In the Symplectic ‘Configure Connections’ box you are presented with options. Select the first option ‘I permit Symplectic Elements to read from and write publication data to my ORCID account’. Selecting this option will authorise an automatic connection from Symplectic to ORCID, saving you time and administration updating both accounts.

ORCID option one highlighted





If you do not want to authorise the automatic connection between Symplectic and ORCID, information on all options is available.

12. In the pop up box confirming your selection, click ‘OK’.

ORCID confirmation pop up




13. The ‘Manage which publications will be sent’ options will now appear. These will permit you to choose which types of publications are sent from Symplectic to ORCID. Review the options and descriptions offered.

14. Press ‘Run Sync’ and wait to see a pop up box confirming synchronisation. 

run sync button



15. Wait to see a pop up notification confirming synchronisation. Now you can exit Symplectic and ORCID. 

Sync complete



Congratulations! Within 48 hours your Symplectic account will be synchronised with your ORCID account, or not if you selected otherwise.

You can change these settings any time in the future by revisiting ‘ORCID settings’ in Symplectic.