Research Spend Reports FAQs
Research Spend Reports FAQs
How do I export?
To download the data, hover over the report in question and at the top-right of that section, four little icons will appear. Click on the horizontal line of three dots and you get a menu with the option “Export data”:
On the next screen, choose “Data with Current Layout”. This will export an Excel file.
Note: there are security concerns about downloading such granular, sensitive, personal data into Excel files. We advise to minimise the use of these exports. Please ensure these exports are stored securely then destroyed after use.
How do I access Research Spend Reports?
Access to Research Spend Reports mirror your access in ICIS. In order to see these reports, please request administrator access to the relevant awards / projects in Grants via ICIS Authorisation.
Once that is completed, your access to these reports will be granted automatically the next day.
How do I include other account types in my Research Spend Reports?
P codes are managed in a different module to other College accounts, so unfortunately we cannot include the other account types.
However, this was the most common feedback we received from academic colleagues in the project pilot, so we are investigating if we can expand Research Spend Reports to include other College accounts in the future.
Can I view projects that have now ended?
The default view of the dashboard only shows projects that are ongoing or have finished in the last couple of months.
To see older projects, click on the Filter pane on the right-hand side and expand the Remaining Project Duration filter. You will see the default value of -2 (i.e. ended in the last two months). If you change the -2 to -12 for example and click Apply Filter, the view will change to include any projects that have ended in the last year. You can adjust that number as appropriate to look further back.
How do I change the analysis code filter?
In order to change the categories, you can expand the Filters menu on the right-hand side of the page.
Scroll down to “Level 2 Analysis Code”, which breaks down the figures at the highest level. Tick the categories you require.
The dashboards will remember your filters next time you visit the page so you can leave this as your default view if preferred. To restore the filters to the default setting, either re-tick the Staff and Student boxes again or alternatively click the left-hand icon on the row just above the filter menu that looks like an anti-clockwise arrow: