Guidance documentation
What does 'apportioning' mean and how is it calculated?
Apportioning is how academic percentage credit is allocated against research projects. This allows us to allocate values, such as project budget, among the academics involved.
Each proposal submission (including subprojects) must have credit applied across its investigators totalling 100%:
- each project should be allocated some of the percentage credit
- credit per project should only be applied to academics based in the same department as the project
- the percentage credit is not necessarily representative of time spent on a project
If a proposal is awarded, the percentage credit will feed through into the award in ICIS Grants. This can be amended as necessary as long as the award total is 100%.
For projects (under the umbrella of the award) where the total may be less than 100%, the project is apportioned according to the percentage applied.
For example, a project has three investigators with credit percentages of 15%, 5% and 0% respectively.
While this only totals 20% of the total award credit, 100% of the project values will be shared between those investigators with credit, as follows: 15% (of the project 20%) will give 75% project apportionment, 5% (of the project 20%) will give 25% apportionment and 0% will have none.
Where no credit has been given on a project at all, the project will be apportioned equally among all active investigators.
Where can I find non-P code data?
The Research Office does not hold any Finance (non-P code), HR, IP or Registry data. Your local Finance teams would be able to help with F, G or N code queries.
How do I gain access to the Operational Dashboards?
Firstly, you must be responsible for a section/group or programme manager i.e. administering many projects. Secondly, you need approval from your Departmental / Divisional Manager. After you have gained approval, please contact the Research Office to arrange your access.
How do I gain access to the Strategic Dashboards?
To be eligible you should belong to one of these business areas:
- Senior College Management
- Faculty Management
- Faculty Finance
- Research Strategy
- Strategic Planning
- Heads of Department
- Department Heads of Research
- Department Operations Managers
- Research Operations Managers
- Central Finance
- Corporate Partnerships
If not you may still be allowed access providing the Research Office and all Faculties approve. Please contact the Research Office, who will arrange for any approvals necessary, or arrange setup with ICT.
Why can't I see the top bar of dashboard links and tabs anymore in BIEE?
If you are using Internet Explorer your cache may be full. Please press F12 and then Ctrl + R to clear your cache and reload the page. See ICT FAQ for more info.
I've recently changed my College password and now I can't login to Oracle BIEE - why is this?
If you have used special characters in your password (£$% etc.), these are not valid in the current version of Oracle BIEE. The only solution is to change your password again and exclude any special characters.
Worktribe: Where can I find information summarising proposal numbers or values?
If you have access to OBIEE, then the Proposal List reports are one of the easiest ways to report on submissions. These are found on the Other Reports tab of the operational research dashboards.
For any research management information queries please email