Further help
Information sessions
If you would like to arrange an information session about export controls for your department, please contact Diran Solanke (International Risk & Export Control Manager).
Individual advice
The Research Office offers individual advice on sensitive entities and export destinations, writing licence applications, liaising with the ECJU, US export controls, and other export control topics. Contact us with your enquiry.
Further Help Links
Export Control Joint Unit contacts
General enquiries exportcontrol.help@trade.gov.uk Phone: 020 7215 4594
SPIRE login issues exportcontrol.help@trade.gov.uk
Specific application issues Contact your licensing case officer
What is HEECA and why is it needed?
Imperial is a founding member of the Higher Education Export Control Association (HEECA), a new practitioner-led network developing and disseminating best practice within the sector on responsible exporting, non-proliferation and related issues.
Find out more about HEECA: