Legal Frameworks
When considering any research work it is important to be aware of the key legal frameworks that may impact upon such work, particularly where that work may involve international collaboration.
Export controls
It is important to understand whether your research is subject to export control. College has extensive guidance on export controls and how they apply to academic work, and there are various tools UK Government make available to check whether sharing of research may be subject control. Further information can be found on the Export Controls pages.
Local legislation
When collaborating with a foreign research partner or funder, be aware that they may operate under very different legislative frameworks, which might impact your agreements or partnership, and how the activity is consequently conducted.
Terms and Conditions, and research contracts
The terms and conditions for the research collaboration will impact intellectual property and how that property may be used, or taken further by the partner or collaborator, including use with third parties. Ensuring these are both appropriate and correct helps to enable both you and College are protected . Faculty Research Contracts Teams can advise further.