Ethics Module
The Research Office and Research Governance and Integrity Team are pleased to announce that the Worktribe Ethics System for ethical reviews was launched on 11th July 2022.
Ethical review and approval is required for all College research involving human participants, their tissue, or their data. The Worktribe ethics system will mean that all ethical reviews and approvals for non-NHS human research will be handled electronically within a system rather than the current form and email-based system, leading to a more streamlined process for ethical review. The system will also ensure that actions such as Head of Department or PI signature are automated.
The link to the Worktribe Ethics System is at the same as for the Pre-Award Research Management System.
The training materials and guidance on how to use the Worktribe ethics system will be available on the RGIT website.
For queries regarding your ethics application, please check the Human Research Ethics website where you will find full details on ethics approval, the application process and the College's ethics committees. For direct queries, please email the Ethics and Research Governance Coordinator.
For queries related specifically to the Worktribe system itself, please email Worktribe Admin.