The College has invested in a new Pre-Award Research Management System (PARMS) called Worktribe. Worktribe is a modern, highly performant system, which increases the efficiency and transparency of internal pre-award processes, particularly for internal and external multi-disciplinary collaborations.
As part of the PARMS project, development was completed by the supplier so that their standard product meets College requirements. This was followed by development of numerous internal interfaces between Worktribe and other College systems to ensure accuracy and efficiency.
For maximum benefit, the number of staff members that can create grant applications in Worktribe is restricted to a small number of administrative pre-award experts (“super users”). They are responsible for creating, completing and checking all grant applications in Worktribe. This minimises the amount of administration required from academic staff, allowing them to focus more on teaching and research. Further information can be found on the Information for Academic Staff page.
If you have any questions related to any aspect of the PARMS project, please contact the Research Office on