Electronic Submission Systems – College Approval
For any queries relating to registration to any Electronic Submission Systems, please email the Research Office.
Many of the College’s main funders use electronic submission systems. Applicants must therefore register for a user account before they can start to complete an online research proposal. For some systems, the user account must also be validated by the institution.
It is important to remember that even if a funder uses an electronic submission system, the College’s internal authorisation process must still be followed, i.e. a corresponding Worktribe record must be completed and approved by the Head of Department (or faculty if applicable) before a proposal can be authorised by Research Services/Joint Research Office on behalf of the College. Refer to the list of departmental Worktribe Super Users.
For the majority of funder systems, approval notification emails are routed to a single generic mailbox which is managed by the central Research Office. To ensure that notification emails are directed to the right place, a Research Office contact person is set up as the default “Finance Officer” or equivalent role (rather than individual Research Services Managers). The Research Office will then forward the approval notifications to the correct Faculty Research Services team, thereby reducing the risk of important emails being left unattended in personal mailboxes. Faculty Research Services/Joint Research Office teams are still responsible for checking and formally approving proposals as usual, once the Head of Department (HoD) has given their approval. The appropriate contact names to enter into the various submission systems can be found below.
Since the College already has a robust two-stage approval process in place using a Pre-Award system, some funders allow the HoD and Finance Officer approval steps to be combined in their submission system. This means that Research Services teeams can also approve on behalf of the HoD in the Funder’s system (NB: Remember that HoD approval has already been actioned on Worktribe).
However, there are a few funders who do require a separate approval by the actual Head of Department on the funder system, followed by separate Research Services approval. This means the HoD must log onto the system to give approval. Funders who require this additional approval are identified below.
NOTE: The Research Office contact person is “Cindy Lai” in most cases, but Cindy Lai does not personally authorise any grant applications so please do not contact her directly. Institutional approval of applications is still the responsibility of the relevant Faculty Research Services/Joint Research Office team.
Funder Submission Systems
Grant Tracker
Finance Officer /Signatory: Ian McArdle (exceptions noted by relevant funder below) - Email: rgcoadmin@imperial.ac.uk
Used by:
- Alzheimers Research UK
- Alzheimers Society
- Asthma UK
- Blood Cancer UK - Research Services teams must attach a screenshot of Pre-Award system HoD approval
- Breast Cancer Now
- Diabetes UK - contact Enterprise if you require guidance on completing the 'Intellectual Property' section of the application form
- Kidney Research UK - Contact Research Governance and Integrity if you require approval of the 'UK Policy Framework for Health and Social Care Research' section of the application form. Contact Enterprise if you require guidance on completing the 'Intellectual Property' section of the application form.
- Leverhulme Trust - First name: Imperial College London, Last name: Institutional Approver
- MS Society
- Parkinson's UK
- Prostate Cancer UK
- Versus Arthritis - Title: Finance Officer; Forename: Imperial; Surname: Research Services - HoD must be added as a separate approver on Grant Tracker
- Wellcome Trust - First name: Authorised Organisational Approver Last name: Imperial College London
- Worldwide Cancer Research - HoD must be added as a separate approver on Grant Tracker
- World Cancer Research Fund
Finance Officer /Signatory: Ian McArdle - Email: rgcoadmin@imperial.ac.uk
Used by: