Institutional letters of support
Institutional letters of support may be requested to support a research proposal application. There are two routes through which institutional letters of support may be provided:
Scenario 1 - Funder requires an institutional letter of support. This process will be managed by the Research Office.
Scenario 2 - No funder requirement, but the PI would like an institutional letter of support. This process will be managed via the Faculties and there is no guarantee the request will be granted.
Scenario 1 - Funder requirement
Funder requires a letter of institutional support from the Vice-Provost (Research and Enterprise), President or Provost.
PI/Bid Manager informs the Funding Strategy Team (FST) in the Research Office as early as possible of the intent to apply and of the submission deadline, via
- FST assesses call guidance to confirm requirement of an institutional support letter
- Bid manager working with PI provides letter and accompanying materials at least 10 working days prior to the submission deadline.
- Version of the letter ready for signature
- Evidence of appropriate approvals for any contributions or commitments in the letter
- Draft copy of the research proposal
- FST check that confirmation of commitments is present and complete
- FST check contents of letter – this may be edited at the request of the signatory
- FST send letter to VPRE/Provost/President Office for finalising
- FST returns letter to PI and bid manager
Scenario 2 - No Funder requirement
No funder requirement for a letter of institutional support. PI desires letter from the Vice-Provost (Research and Enterprise) for strategic reasons, e.g. large budget, reputational considerations
- PI approaches Faculty Strategic Research team as early as possible to request an institutional support letter
- PI Faculty decides if there is a strategic need for a letter
- If agreed, PI Faculty makes request of VPRE Office via There is no guarantee that the request for a letter will be granted.
- If VPRE Office agrees to provide letter, Faculty coordinates letter creation with PI and bid manager, including checking that all commitments have been approved
- Faculty sends letter to VPRE Office ( at least 5 working days prior to the submission deadline
- VPRE Office finalises letter and returns to Faculty