Ready to submit?

Only submit (by checking the 'Submit' box and clicking Save) when you are satisfied that you have correctly and fully completed the SharePoint form.

Please note that we aim to respond within 10 working days, however, this may take longer during busier periods. To ensure you have approval in time for the start of your study, please allow yourself enough time to get approval.

Apply nowContact us

Having decided that your proposed project is appropriate for the EERP process please complete an EERP - SETREC form (Word). For additional support when completing your application, please see the EERP - SETREC form with guidance which will help you consider potential ethical issues and complete the form as fully as possible.

Once you have completed the Word form, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the EERP SharePoint site. We recommend clicking 'return to classic SharePoint' in the bottom left of your browser to use SharePoint more easily.
  2. Click 'new item' at the bottom of the page.
  3. Complete the form and attach your application form by clicking 'Attach File'. Attach any supporting documents and check the boxes to indicate which you are including.
  4. Check the 'Submit' box once you are happy with your application and are ready for it to be reviewed.
  5. Click Save. You will receive a confirmation email.

Once we have received your application we aim to email you with a decision within 10 working days, please note that this can take longer during busier periods.

The possible outcomes are:

  • Approval - all ethical issues have been addressed and you are free to start your research
  • Amendments are required - your application must be resubmitted, addressing the reviewers comments
  • Rework your application in discussion with your supervisor
  • Referral to SETREC committee - the Science, Engineering and Technology Research Ethics Committee (SETREC) is the College Ethics Committee which reviews non-health related research involving human participants and/or their data and research that has current or future potential impact on the environment and high-risk educational research that is undertaken by College staff or students.

If your application is referred to SETREC it will be reviewed at the next available committee meeting, which will likely extend the time taken for you to receive a decision. You will be notified if your application is referred to this committee.