Public interest disclosures
The College recognises the need for researchers to protect their own research interests and both the College and its funding bodies encourage researchers to be as open as possible. This openness includes such common practices as the scholarly exchange of ideas and data and the submission of work to peer review or to another forum where it can be challenged and questioned without the loss of face. Such an environment is essential not only to the establishment of good scientific conduct, but to the development of good and innovative science itself. Openness also implies that all steps will be taken to avoid, or at least declare, conflicts of interest.
Ordinance D18 - Public Interest Disclosure (Sept 18) pdf
This policy is designed to enable workers and other members of the University to raise concerns at a high level or to disclose information which the whistleblower in good faith believes shows malpractice or impropriety.
Enquiries about the operation of these procedures, or about potential concerns of malpractice or impropriety may be addressed in confidence to the College Secretary.