Numbers of animals

YearNumber of animals used in research at Imperial
2022 71,406
2021 87,403
2020 72,823
2019 99,295
2018 102,497
2017 97,787
2016 101,369
2015 101,179
2014 111,874
2013 130,358
2012 123,547
2011 106,772
2010 139,725
2009 125,566
2008 115,282

Types of animals used in 2022

Type of animalNumberPercentage
Mice 65344 91.51%
Fish 2584 3.62%
Rats 1860 2.6%
Birds 196 0.27%
Guinea-pigs 1212 1.7%
Rabbits 46 0.06%
Hamsters 164 0.23%

Breakdown of the number of procedures by year using the different classifications of procedure as defined by the Home Office

Home Office statistics of scientific procedures on living animals: user guide

  Mouse Zebrafish Rat Bird Guinea-pig Rabbit Hamsters Total
Sub threshold 15943 1786 22 0 0 0 0 17751
Mild 24551 85 438 196 25 0 158 25453 
Moderate 14409 429 463 0 548 0 3 15852
Severe 588 2 1 0 1 0 3 595 
Non-recovery 1006 0 231 0 0 16 0 1253
Total number of scientific procedures carried out under project licence authority 56497 2302 1155 196 574 16 164 60904
Total number of animals used under project licence authority 56497 2302 1155 196 574 16 164 60904
Animals used for breeding or tissue collection purposes 8847 282 705 0 638 30 0 10502
Total numbers 65344 2584 1860 196 1212 46 164 71406

Types of animals used in:

Types of animals used in 2021

Type of animalNumberPercentage
Mice 77527 88.7%
Fish 5959 6.82%
Rats 2648 3.03%
Birds 239 0.27%
Guinea-pigs 809 0.93%
Ferrets 14 0.02%
Rabbits 24 0.03%
Hamsters 183 0.21%

Breakdown of the number of procedures by year using the different classifications of procedure as defined by the Home Office

Home Office statistics of scientific procedures on living animals: user guide

  Mouse Zebrafish Rat Bird Guinea-pig Ferret Rabbit Hamsters Total
Sub threshold 18516 4079 0 0 0 7 0 0 22602 
Mild 32482 1262 552 239 50 7 6 107 34705 
Moderate 14969 184 961 0 585 0 0 73 16772 
Severe 510 0 1 0 0 0 0 3 514 
Non-recovery 1608 3 117 0 0 0 4 0 1732
Total number of scientific procedures carried out under project licence authority 68085 5528 1631 239 635 14 10 183 76325
Total number of animals used under project licence authority 68085 5528 1631 239 635 14 10 183 76325
Animals used for breeding or tissue collection purposes 9442 431 1017 0 174 0 14 0 11078
Total numbers 77527 5959 2648 239 809 14 24 183 87403


Types of animals used in 2020

Type of animalNumberPercentage
Mice 64628 88.75%
Fish 3857 5.3%
Rats 3011 4.13%
Birds 175 0.24%
Guinea-pigs 1054 1.45%
Ferrets 67 0.09%
Rabbits 31 0.04%

Breakdown of the number of procedures by year using the different classifications of procedure as defined by the Home Office

Home Office statistics of scientific procedures on living animals: user guide

  Mouse Zebrafish Rat Bird Guinea-pig Ferret Rabbit Total
Sub threshold 17110 843 0 0 0 0 0 17953
Mild 24395 1348 811 175 502 67 15 27313
Moderate 12590 195 1079 0 337 0 10 14211
Severe 1089 6 6 0 0 0 0 1101
Non-recovery 1699 1170 210 0 13 0 0 3092
Total number of scientific procedures carried out under project licence authority 56883 3562 2106 175 852 67 25 63670
Total number of animals used under project licence authority 56883 3562 2106 175 852 67 25 63670
Animals used for breeding or tissue collection purposes 7745 295 905 0 202 0 6 9153
Total numbers 64628 3857 3011 175 1054 67 31 72823

Types of animals used in 2019

Type of animalNumberPercentage
Mice 87,202 87.82%
Fish 6,100 6.14%
Rats 4,745 4.78%
Birds 713 0.72%
Guinea-pigs 414 0.42%
Ferrets 65 0.07%
Rabbits 52 0.05%
Amphibians 4 0.004%

Breakdown of the number of procedures by year using the different classifications of procedure as defined by the Home Office

Home Office statistics of scientific procedures on living animals: user guide

  Mouse Zebrafish Rat Bird Guinea-pig Ferret Rabbit Amphibian Total
Sub threshold 23,468 1,596 0 0 0 0 0 0 25,064
Mild 29,351 1,271 906 713 0 65 15 0 32,321
Moderate 14,424 1,913 2161 0 227 0 23 0 18,748
Severe 702 0 9 0 0 0 0 4 715
Non-recovery 2,480 1,257 173 0 31 0 10 0 3,951
Total number of scientific procedures carried out under project licence authority 70,425 6,037 3,249 713 258 65 48 4 80,799
Total number of animals used under project licence authority 70,425 6,037 3,249 713 258 65 48 4 80,799
Animals used for breeding or tissue collection purposes 16,777 63 1,496 0 156 0 4 0 18,496
Total numbers 87,202 6,100 4,745 713 414 65 52 4 99,295

Types of animals used in 2018

Type of animalNumberPercentage
Mice 89956 87.76%
Rats 4958 4.84%
Fish 6898 6.73%
Guinea-pigs 307 0.3%
Birds 177 0.17%
Rabbits 144 0.14%
Ferrets 57 0.06%

Breakdown of the number of procedures by year using the different classifications of procedure as defined by the Home Office

Home Office statistics of scientific procedures on living animals: user guide

  Zebrafish Mouse Rat Guinea-pig Rabbit Ferret Bird  
Sub threshold 3726 18460 180 0 0 0 0 22366
Mild 1149 39252 980 44 0 42 177 41644
Moderate 956 13289 2784 150 43 13 0 17235
Severe 92 1126 36 2 0 0 0 1256
Non-recovery 830 2067 259 33 82 0 0 3271
Total number of scientific procedures carried out under project licence authority 6753 74194 4239 229 125 55 177 85772
Total number of animals used under project licence authority 6753 74190 4239 229 125 55 177 85768
Animals used for breeding or tissue collection purposes 145 15766 719 78 19 2 0 16729
Total numbers 6898 89956 4958 307 144 57 177 102497

Types of animals used in 2017

Type of animalNumberPercentage
Mice 88024 90.01%
Rats 4487 4.58%
Fish 4653 4.75%
Guinea-pigs 383 0.39%
Birds 144 0.14%
Rabbits 86 0.08%
Ferrets 10 0.01%

Breakdown of the number of procedures in 2017 using the different classifications of procedure as defined by the Home Office

User Guide to Annual Home Office Statistics of Scientific Procedures on Living Animals Great Britain (pdf)

  Zebrafish Mouse Rat Guinea-pig Rabbit Ferret Bird  
Sub threshold 1,544 18,784 349 0 0 0 0 20,677
Mild 1,617 35,490 351 34 2 10 111 37,615
Moderate 798 13,483 2,863 197 10 0 0 17,351
Severe 35 513 42 2 2 0 0 594
Non-recovery 126 2,621 408 47 53 0 0 3,255
Total number of scientific procedures carried out under project licence authority 4,120 70,891 4,013 280 67 10 111 79,492
Total number of animals used under project licence authority 4,120 70,891 4,013 280 67 10 111 79,492
Animals used for breeding or tissue collection purposes 533 17,133 474 103 19 0 33 18,295
Total numbers 4,653 88,024 4,487 383 86 10 144 97,787
Type of animalNumberPercentage
Mice 87,389 86.21%
Rats 6,403 6.32%
Fish 6,304 6.22%
Guinea-pigs 531 0.52%
Birds 509 0.50%
Amphibians 146 0.14%
Rabbits 72 0.07%
Ferrets 15 0.01%

Breakdown of the number of procedures in 2016 using the different classifications of procedure as defined by the Home Office

User Guide to Annual Home Office Statistics of Scientific Procedures on Living Animals Great Britain (pdf)

  Zebrafish Mouse Rat Guinea-pig Rabbit Ferret Bird Amphibian  
Sub threshold 2,702 23,480 1,078 0 0 0 0 0  
Mild 931 34,550 507 55 3 11 506 0  
Moderate 2,176 18,078 3,499 306 17 2 0 0  
Severe 325 174 48 1 1 2 0 146  
Non-recovery 23 2,476 388 40 45 0 0 0  
Total number of scientific procedures carried out under project licence authority 6,157 78,758 5,520 402 66 15 506 146 91,570
Total number of animals used under project licence authority 6,157 78,758 5,520 402 66 15 506 146 91,570
Animals used for breeding or tissue collection purposes 147 8,631 883 129 6 0 3 0 9,799
Total numbers 6,304 87,389 6,403 531 72 15 509 146 101,369
Type of animalNumberPercentage
Mice 84,238 83.26%
Fish 10,477 10.35%
Rats 5,927 5.86%
Guinea-pigs 266 0.26%
Rabbits 213 0.21%
Amphibians 42 0.04%
Ferrets 16 0.02%
Type of animalNumberPercentage
Mice 93,543 83.61%
Fish 10,685 9.55%
Rats 6,853 6.13%
Guinea-pigs 256 0.23%
Other rodents 252 0.23%
Rabbits 209 0.19%
Amphibians 56 0.05%
Ferrets 20 0.02%
Type of animalNumberPercentage
Mice 117,707 90.29%
Rats 8,356 6.41%
Fish 3,287 2.53%
Birds 536 0.41%
Guinea-pigs 252 0.19%
Rabbits 140 0.11%
Ferrets 36 0.03%
Other rodents 44 0.03%
Type of animalNumberPercentage
Mice 112,620 91.15%
Rats 8,852 7.16%
Fish 916 0.74%
Guinea-pigs 602 0.49%
Amphibians 303 0.25%
Rabbits 220 0.18%
Ferrets 28 0.02%
Pigs 6 0.01%

These figures are provided each year to the Home Office, which publishes annual statistics on the use of animals in scientific research in Great Britain.