As long as government COVID-related guidance allows, the top teams selected in Stage 2 will have access to labs or other appropriate spaces and a budget (up to £1,500) to develop their project to a proof-of-concept stage over 8 weeks. There will also be bursaries available for each student team member to cover living costs over the summer.

On completion of their research, teams will submit a detailed summary of their findings and give a presentation of their project to our panel of VIP Judges at an event open to the public.

Hidden Gens Present

Key dates for 2023- exact dates to be confirmed

June 2023 'Team Building' workshop offered to all team members
July 2023  'Business Ethics' workshop offered to all team members
July- August 2023 Teams are allocated appropriate space and budget and start their 8 week research placement
September 2023 Teams submit their final report
End of October 2023 Teams present their project to the VIP Judges at the Final Judging Event which will be open to an invited audience