Feedback by Students
Improving the Physics Department
SOLE is the College's central Student On Line Evaluation tool. All surveys are anonymous and your department/College is not able to identify you. As SOLE is the official student feedback tool of Imperial College, students are strongly encouraged to complete it. A higher response rate makes the statistics more significant and, when put with other evidence, will enable students to make a stronger case for change. The survey results are thoroughly discussed by your student representatives and departmental staff at both the Staff-Student Committee and the Teaching Committee. If you have any questions on how SOLE results have encouraged change in your department please contact your student representative.
SOLE Online - Login to Student Viewpoint
Registry's information on SOLE
Physics SOLE results can be found on Blackboard.
The National Student Survey (NSS) is an annual survey of final year undergraduates at UK Higher and Further Education Institutions which runs in the spring term. It was first run in 2005 and is carried out by Ipsos Mori, commissioned by the Higher Education Funding Council for England.
When you are in the final year of your programme, you will be invited to take part in the National Students Survey (NSS). NSS asks all final year undergraduates to rate a range of elements related to their student experience such as, academic support, learning resources and assessment and feedback. The nationwide survey compiles year on year comparative data for higher education institutions, with its results being made publicly available.
For Imperial’s results visit the Unistats website:
The 2017 and 2018 NSS results are also held on the college website.
Staff Student Committee
The Staff-Student Committee is the formal way for the student representatives to raise issues that are of a concern to the wider student body. This committee is formed of approximately twenty people. Minutes of the meetings are always taken.
Find your student representative and read past minutes.
This committee will always discuss lecturer and tutor evaluation questionnaires via Student On Line Evaluation (SOLE) and National Student Survey (NSS) results.
Students are strongly encouraged to raise questions or concerns at the Staff and Student Committee though their student representatives.
UG Teaching Team
The Physics Undergradaute Teaching team are always willing to listen to student feedback. The two key contacts for students to provide feedback about any aspect of their experience in the department are Derryck Stewart (Undergraduate Education Manager) and Yasmin Andrew (Student Liaison Officer). We are both happy to recieve feedback by email or in person.
The UG Teaching Team will also strive to improve the quality and timeliness of feedback of other members in the department.
Feedback from Lecturers
Lecturers are asked to provide feedback on all summer examinations. Expect these to be released in July or August.
Lecturers are also asked to provide a 'response to SOLE' document. These should be released with six weeks after the course is over.
Both exam feedback and SOLE response documents will be placed in the subject's Blackboard module.
Please email the lecturer concerned in the first instance if the files are not online. If this fails to get the document online, please contact Derryck Stewart.
College Feedback
There are other ways to provide feedback to other areas of the college, including:
Faculty of Natural Sciences - there are a number of student focused committees. FoNS also have their own student feedback webpage.
Imperial College Union - the ICU are always looking to listen to the student voice.
Imperial College - there are central feedback pages, an academic feedback policy and the Student Experience Survey.