Autumn Term 2022-23 will start on 3rd October 2022

Students should make themselves aware of College's Covid safety rules

For questions regarding the timetable email Kayleigh Murphy

Please note that you are required to be in attendance during term time. Where necessary please arrange flights, vacation work etc. well in advance to ensure that you comply with this College regulation.

Simon Bland's Guide to Microsoft Teams for Students

Term start and finish dates can be found here.

Are you looking for BSc Project deadlines?


Timetable 2022-23

All students will be able to see the individual timetables to their Outlook or smartphones from 23 September 2022.

It is not possible to download the pre-recorded lecture content from Panopto.

Term 1 Timetable (Excel) - Year 1, Year 2, Years 3 & 4

Term 2 Timetable (Excel) - Year 1, Year 2, Years 3 & 4

Term 3 Timetable (Excel) - Year 1, Year 2, Years 3 & 4

BPES Timetable 2022/23 (PDF)

Lecturers and Associates (PDF)

Exam Timetable 2022-23

We aim to get a draft summer exam timetable out to students before Christmas each year.

Exam Timetable 2023 (PDF)

Autumn Exam Timetable 2023 (PDF) - sometimes called the resit exam timetable

BPES Exam Timetable 2022-23

If you are looking for assessment deadlines?

Office Hours

Office hours for specific modules are found on the Blackboard pages for each course.

Contacting the Heads of Years:

The head of each year always welcomes talking to students to discuss the course, what is going right and what is going wrong. Much of this is through the year reps, but you are welcome to contact them directly. Please email to arrange an appointment:

Head of Year 1: Stuart Mangles -
Head of Year 2: Simon Bland -
Head of Years 3 & 4: Jing Zhang -

Other ways to view your timetable

There are other ways to view your academic timetable. These are systems overseen by the College's Centralised Timetable Support Office (CTSO).

The Physics Department recommends that you use:

If your online timetable is showing the wrong modules, please contact the UG Office. They can check and fix errors on CelCat.