This page contains all relevant information for remote exams. Students can expect to have access to the Blackboard course for each exam in advance. 

Conducting Online Assessments 21-22

The below files should provide more specific information about the process: 

Before the exam 

Overview of the TRA process

Sitting the remote exam

How to prepare for your TRAs

Additional Exam Arrangements- Calculating your personal end time‌‌

Guidance on additional exam arrangements for remote assessmentsFurther information for students with additional exam arrangements 

Scanning and submitting your answers - Step-by-step guide to scanning and submitting your answers

Submission exampleFor your reference, this is an example of an answer submission file. It was created using Microsoft Lens. Scanning within OneDrive supports a PDF of up to 10 pages only.

Cover and answer sheet template - Before the exam, students with access to a printer or scanner can fill in this template and print as many copies as required for each exam. Please note that you are still required to hand-write your answers. 

Scan + Hash Submission Quiz Times
Standard Exam Duration or Specific ExamScan + hash submission quiz time
 1 hour   20 minutes
 1 hour & 30 minutes  25 minutes
 2 hour   30 minutes
 Oscillations & Waves  35 minutes
 Comprehensive 1, 2 & Mathematics  40 minutes
Summary of the ta0ble's contents

Example: A Student taking Quantum Physics will have a total of 2 hours writing time, as indicated in the exam timetable. At the end of the writing time, the student will have an additional 30 minutes to scan the answers and complete the hash submission quiz.  

This example does not take into account any extra time and/or rest break granted. Please see above links to relevant files (Additional Exam Arrangements & Guidance on additional exam arrangements) for more information. 

Blackett Formula Sheet

During the exam

If you have a problem‌ - Please refer to this document for the steps to take if you experience a technical issue, have a query or person concern. 

If you have any questions, you can contact


The College, like many universities in the UK, implemented a Safety Net in relation to the overall year average for the 2019/20 academic year. This was put in place because of the sudden, unplanned, and unforeseen change in the mode of teaching and assessment after 13 March 2020, due to the COVID-19 crisis. 

The arrangements for the 2020/21 academic year have been planned in detail and advertised in advance to all students. For these reasons there will be no equivalent College-wide Safety Net in place for this academic year. 

We have used our experience of setting assessments during the summer of 2020 to inform the assessment design which will be used during the 2020/21 academic year, to ensure all are suitable and appropriate. 

Our commitment to recognise mitigating circumstances due to COVID-19 remains in place, and the College guidance provided to Mitigating Circumstances Boards has been reviewed to ensure that claims are handled appropriately. 

The College Policy and Procedure on Mitigating Circumstances can be found here. For further advice, please contact the Senior Tutor.