Mitigating Circumstances
"Students may suffer from serious and unforeseen circumstances during the course of their studies that adversely affect their ability to complete an assessment task and/or their performance in a piece of assessment." [Section 1.1 from the College's Mitigating Circumstances Policy and Procedures]
When you miss an examination, would like to request an extension to a deadline, or your academic performance is affected significantly by factors out of your control, you should make a request for mitigation.
This process is governed by the College policy documents, Penalties for Late Submission of Assessed Work and the Mitigating Circumstances Policy and Procedures.
Other College policies on academic governance are available. These cover a wide range of topics that are relevent to students.
We recognise that you may be unsure about whether or not to request mitigation for any assessment. We are more than happy to advise you on that, please contact, Ingo Mueller-Wodarg (Senior Tutor), Derek Lee (Deputy Senior Tutor) or Yasmin Andrew (Student Liasion Officer) if you wish to discuss your situation in confidence.
Mitigating circumstances
Absence from College
If you are absent from the College through illness or other reasons, you must let the Department know. This should be done by completing the departmental online form using the link below, giving the dates of absence and the reason(s) for the absence. If the period of absence exceeds five working days, then you also need to inform the Senior Tutor and provide evidence of the reasons for the absence, for example, a doctor’s note.
We often use the information provided in these forms to clear Starfish attendance flags without having to organise a meeting between a student and a member of staff.
This should not be confused with self-certification as part of applying for mitigating circumstances.
Please submit the Absence Reporting form
Assessed Coursework
All assessed coursework has a deadline for submission. Late submissions of assessed coursework are subject to penalties as stipulated in the College Policy on Late Coursework. The only exception to the penalty is when acceptable mitigating circumstances prevent you from submitting the coursework on time. Section 12 of the College's Policy and Procedure on Mitigating Circumstances covers extensions to assessment deadlines.
Requesting an extension to assessment deadline
- Eequests for deadline extensions should be made before the deadlines, not after. All extensions for continuously assessed work are authorised by the Senior Tutor via submitting a mitigation form.
- For extensions of up to 1 week (5 working days) you can self-certificate by filling in the self-certification form, thereby not needing to produce independent evidence from a doctor/other. We will monitor this and may request evidence in individual (repeat-cases). If you request an extension of more than 1 week, you always need to also submit independent evidence (medical, other certificate). You don’t necessarily need to submit the evidence immediately with the mitigation request form, if you don't, we will then communicate separately with you about the evidence.
- You must submit requests for mitigation within 10 working days of the assessment due date (in the case of deadline extensions you must have notified us before the deadline though)
Late requests for an extension
Extension requests will not normally be accepted after the deadline. However, if you missed the deadline of a piece of assessed coursework due to mitigating circumstance, you must see the Senior Tutor within 5 working days to discuss your options. The Members of the Mitigating Circumstances Board will make a decision on whether to allow an extension or other method of mitigation. Should your mitigating circumstances be accepted, you will need to provide corroborating evidence to support your claim.
Disability & Chronic Conditions
If you are affected by a disability or chronic medical conditions, you should approach the Disability Officer (Mery Fajardo) or the Senior Tutor to discuss the matter. This is generally mitigated through the additional arrangements for examinations administered by the Registry.
Section 1.9 of the College's Policy and Procedure on Mitigating Circumstances:
"Students with a disability or a long term or chronic condition are normally supported through the mechanisms set out in ‘Procedures for Consideration of Additional Examination Arrangements in Respect of Disability’ and it is not therefore anticipated that such students would normally be required to submit mitigating circumstances in relation to these conditions where reasonable adjustments have already been put in place for the student’s assessments. An exception to this would be where there is a sudden or acute exacerbation which could not be managed through these adjustments. This will need to be evidenced appropriately."
Missing Examinations
If you miss an examination, you should first contact one of the following staff members; the Examination Officer (020 7594 7508), the UG Education Manager (020 7594 7561), or the Senior Tutor (020 7594 7524) , as soon as possible, giving the reasons for the non-attendance. Alternatively, if none of these people are available, you can contact the UG Office (020 7594 7510).
If relevant, you should attend Imperial College Health Centre for immediate medical assessment.
If you have missed the examination due to mitigating circumstances, then you are required to submit a mitigating circumstances form within ten working days of the examination.
Other Mitigating Circumstances
If you are affected by other mitigating circumstance(s) which have a significant impact on your academic performance during the year, you may complete a mitigating circumstances form (go to the fifth item in the list). Such mitigating circumstances may include family bereavement or acute medical condition close to an examination period. The form and evidence must be submitted to the Senior Tutor at least one week before the meeting of the full Mitigating Circumstances Board (MCB) at the end of summer term. The deadline for submission of forms are given below. There should be a meeting with the Senior Tutor to discuss the matter. Your request will be considered under the College's policy and procedure on mitigating circumstances.
Deadlines for submission of MC forms to be processed at the full MCB:
Year 3 and 4 students: summer 2023 - to be confirmed
Year 1 and 2 students: summer 2023 - to be confirmed
Mitigating Circumstances Forms
For submission to the Senior Tutor
Mitigation circumstances request form and the Mitigating circumstances self-certification form can be found on the College's Examinations and Assessments webpage.
Please go to the "Mitigating Circumstances" tab, the fifth on the list, for the forms.