Physics PG Student Committee

The key roles of the Committee are:

  1. To act on the Physics PG Committee and report forward any issues there
  2. To act on any Committee which needs representation from the Postgraduate body
  3. To organise social events

Departmental PG reps

Each research group also has its own student representatives. 


Condensed Matter Theory

Milan Rakic

Physics student rep

Milan Rakic

Peru D'Ornellas

Physics student rep

Peru D'Ornellas

Experimental Solid State

Jack Coker

Physics student rep

Jack Coker

Jolanda Müller

Physics student rep

Jolanda Müller

High Energy Physics

Liban Warsame

Physics student rep

Liban Warsame

Matt Knight

Physics student rep

Matt Knight


Leo Rowe-Brown

Physics student rep

Leo Rowe-Brown

Meizhen Liang

Physics student rep

Meizhen Liang

Plasma Physics

Nick Mitchell

Physics student rep

Nick Mitchell

Quantum Optics and Laser Science

Jacob Lee

Physics student rep

Jacob Lee

Kasia Kowalczyk

Physics student rep

Kasia Kowalczyk

Space and Atmospheric Physics

Anna Tippett

Physics student rep

Anna Tippett

Cara Waters

Physics student rep

Cara Waters

Theoretical Physics

Jan Kozuszek

Physics student rep

Jan Kozuszek