Dr Boris Leidstedt
Project Details:
I work at the interface of observational cosmology and statistics: I seek to test and refine models of the formation and evolution of our universe and the populations of galaxies it contains by mining billion-object surveys of the night sky.
Start Date: January 2020
Duration: 5 year, with possibility of 3 year extension
a) Are any special skills required to be able to work as Research Fellow compared to being a postdoc?
Carrying your own Fellowship research program requires drive and independence, which practically means making decisions about what projects to carry on one's shoulders, which external collaborations to invest in, and generally how to organize one's time to stay productive and motivated year after year. It is also an opportunity to explore different working styles and even scientific fields in order to find a good match to one's strengths and interests. Seeking advice with mentors can help a lot during this process.
b) What are the main characteristics that make a successful Research Fellowship applicant?
The Fellowship application is an opportunity to propose an interesting research program which is solidly anchored in current research and includes new directions which the applicant is uniquely placed to explore. It is imperative for the applicant to clearly address this last point, and also to demonstrate that they are an independent, creative researcher, who will make a difference in their field on the long term. While comparing oneself to others can be informative, focusing on one's unique strengths and viewpoints will often lead to a more honest, innovative, and compelling application.
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