Fellowship application guidance
This page offers some information and guidance for internal and external candidates that the Department of Physics at Imperial College London has formally agreed can apply for a Fellowship to be hosted by the Department. You must have formal approval to apply through this Department, please see the Applications for Fellowship page for details.
This page is intended to be a source of general useful information and you must always read the latest information for your specfic fellowship call and keep in contact with your Departmental Research Group contacts throughout the application process as they will be able to give you specific advice and help.
Tabbed information block
IMPORTANT! The Department has internal submission deadlines in place to allow sufficent time for checking and approval and you must meet these deadlines. We will not give final approval to an application that is late. The Departmental internal deadlines for the main calls are listed below and are generally a week or so before the sponsor deadline.
Call |
Departmental Submission Deadline |
EPSRC | deadline to be confirmed |
ICRF 2023 |
deadline 21st August 2023(noon for Department signature) |
Marie Curie |
deadline 5th September 2023 for ECAS access and Part A completed |
we expect applications will be Grantham co-supported and you should adhere to deadlines set by them |
Royal Society Dorothy Hodgkin |
deadline 24th October 2023 |
Royal Society URF |
deadline 4th September (but finances must be confirmed by 31st August) |
deadline 18th September (but finances must be confirmed by 14th September) |
You must read, understand and adhere to the requirements of your specific Fellowship call; there will be specific documentation and format requirements and there may be limits on what can be applied for e.g. Imperial College will double check the finanical aspects and the justification of resources where applicable, but it is your responsibility to ensure that you have submitted the required documenation in the specific format - your application will be sent back by the Research Council if you don't.
Some schemes require an Imperial College Head of Deparment supporting statement, this will be arranged for you.
If a Head of Department is required for The Royal Society, please add Professor Michele Dougherty with the email address ph.hod@imperial.ac.uk
Submission Systems
UKRI Research Councils are transitioning from JES to the Funding Service during 2023. It is unlikely you will use JES anymore but the instructions are left here for now.
- JeS – to register - select the option 'Create Account' from the main JeS login screen and then select the option that you require the ability to create and submit fellowship proposals. JeS have a set of guidance pages and in addition a dedicated helpdesk if you experience any difficulties - JeSHelp@rcuk.ac.uk and phone +44 (0) 1793 444164.
- Funding Service – to register and for other useful information see How to use the Funding Service
Royal Society
- FlexiGrant. Register well in advance. If you have any difficulties you can contact grants@royalsociety.org or +(44)20 7451 2666. You will need to a Department support contact as Research Support (you will be advised who)
CEC (Marie Curie)
ECAS - Access the register link (available on the Participant Portal below the "Login" button). You will need to add Department and Research Services support contacts.
Once you have submitted your UKRI or Royal Society application it is routed to Imperial College Research Services for institutional approval. Only once Research Services have given institutional approval is your application formally submitted to the Research Council / Royal Society. You must make sure that you are contactable during the time your application is being checked.
Worktribe is the Imperial College internal costing and approval system which generates some of the financial information you will need for your application and is also how the Department formally confirms to Research Services that an application can be submitted. We will liaise with you regarding the information that they need to do this and once it is finalised provide you with the costing information you need for your application (or complete this part for you depending on arrangements).
Post Submission
Once your application has been submitted it then goes through an assessment process by the funder. This takes a long time and in some cases your application could go through several stages of review. Please keep us updated as they do not directly update the Department.
Some schemes have interviews and if you are invited for one your host Research Group can help you to prepare e.g with mock interviews. The Imperial Postdoc and Fellows Development Center are also available to help and candidates should contact pfdc-support@imperial.ac.uk.
Good Luck!