Kofi Mundy-Castle
Name: Kofi Mundy-Castle
Degree: MSci Physics with Theoretical Physics
Graduation year: 2015
Current role: Manager of Pricing & Analytics (until the end of the month - I am joining another firm as a Lead Solutions Consultant of Pricing & Project Management at the beginning of November)
Most useful module: I cannot pinpoint one module as most useful as they don’t really map into my career, but I think they all helped me develop so many skills unknowingly. I’d say doing what you’re interested in most will always be best; I probably enjoyed Advanced Classical Physics, Foundations of Quantum Mechanics and Atmospheric Physics the most.
Tell us about a Black scientist who you've found inspiring: Dr Neil deGrasse Tyson because he enjoys physics in his own unique way and shares it with the world in a language that we can all understand. Seeing him be himself and make a successful career of it in a world where black people often have to conform to succeed, inspires me to always be myself in my career.