NATIXIS Prize for best MSc Thesis in Quantitative Finance - awarded annually
- NATIXIS Prize 2023: Tianhao Wang has been named as one of the two laureates of the 2023 Natixis Prize of the best Master’s thesis for his work on “Reinforcement Learning Provides Free-Lunch, but at What Cost?”, supervised by Dr Eyal Neuman and Dr Paul Bilokon.
- NATIXIS Prize 2020: Thomas Hengstberger (supervisor: M. Pakkanen)
Increasing Venture Capital Investment Success Rates Through Machine Learning
NATIXIS Prize 2018: Redwan Bouizi (supervisors: D. Bloch and T. Cass)
Financial Times Series Forecasting Using Wavelet Transformation and Reservoir Computing Paradigm
NATIXIS Prize 2017: Aitor Muguruza Gonzalez (supervisors: C. Martini, B. Horvath, A. Jacquier)
Rough volatility: characterisation of VIX in rBergomi and extension to numerical schemes
NATIXIS Prize 2015: Shuren Tan (supervisors: P. Austing and D. Brigo)
Reconstructing the joint probability distribution from basket prices
NATIXIS Prize 2014: Johannes Heinrich
Reinforcement Learning for Algorithmic trading
NATIXIS Prize 2013: Jens Olov Michael Ronnqvist (supervisor: J.-F. Chassagneux)
Default Contagion in Financial Networks
Stochastic Analysis Prize
Stochastic Analysis Prize for best performance in stochastic analysis modules - awarded annually
- 2021-22: Kexin Xie
- 2020-21: Romain Gajewski and Qiqi Ouyang
- 2019-20: Paul Chuc
- 2018-19: Justin Gwee
- 2017-18: Kees Groeneweg
- 2016-17: Stefan Curtress