Courses offered

Degree Programmes are either single Honours or joint Honours types. Single Honours programmes are Bachelor of Science (BSc). Joint Honours programmes are also BSc and are given in conjunction with the Business School.

Our individual degree programmes range in duration from 3 to 5 years:

Three Year Courses
UCAS codeProgramme Specifications**
C100 BSc Biological Sciences
C1N2 BSc Biological Sciences with Management (3 Years)
C180 BSc Ecology and Environmental Biology
C500 BSc Microbiology
Summary of the table's contents
Four Year Courses
UCAS codeProgramme Specifications**
C1NG BSc Biological Sciences with Management (4 Years)
C102 BSc Biological Sciences with Research Abroad
C110 BSc Biological Sciences with a Year in Industry/Research
Summary of the table's contents

Language for Science courses
UCAS codeProgramme Specifications**
C1R1 BSc Biological Sciences with French for Science
C1R2 BSc Biological Sciences with German for Science
C1R4 BSc Biological Sciences with Spanish for Science‌
Summary of the table's contents

Language Options

  • Language for science courses supplement biology elements of the programme for students registered on a combined degree in Biological Sciences with a Language for Science (C1R1, C1R2, C1R4).
  • Language classes in French, German, Spanish and Italian are available for students registered on the Research Abroad course (C102)

The language courses are offered by the Centre for Languages, Culture and Communication

**Programme Specifications

The UK Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA) require us to provide 'Programme Specifications' for our Degree courses. These comply with the QAA Subject Benchmark Statement for Biosciences which sets out expectations about standards of degrees in the biosciences. The statement describes what gives biosciences its coherence and identity, and defines what can be expected of a graduate in terms of the abilities and skills needed to develop understanding or competence in the subject.

The Scheme for Award of Honours

For our Scheme for Award of Honours please follow this link:  ‌

Competence standards

Download our Competence Standards ‌for all our programmes.


Timetables, the Scheme for the Award of Honours, tutorial groups and other course related documents can be accessed on Blackboard