There are a number of schemes that aim specifically to support women researchers (and students).

  •  L’Oréal-UNESCO UK & Ireland for Women in Science Programme – Five awards are made annually, each worth £15,000 The Fellowships have been designed to provide practical help for the winners to undertake research in their chosen fields. For example, winners may choose to spend their fellowship on buying scientific equipment, paying for child care costs, travel costs or indeed whatever they may need to continue their research.
  • WE Innovate @ Imperial Programme – open to female undergraduate and postgraduate students at Imperial, this programme is designed to develop female Imperial leaders who want to make a difference through an idea or project
  • British Federation of Women Graduates Scholarships – FfWG awards grants specifically for living expenses to Women, during their postgraduate studies.
  • Rosalind Franklin Award - Royal Society – a prestigious award made to promote women in STEM.  The award is a silver medal and is accompanied by a grant of £30,000. One award is made annually. The recipient is expected to spend a proportion of the grant on implementing a project to raise the profile of women in STEM in their host institution and/or field of expertise in the UK. Nominees may be women or men.