DoLS Management Committee is made up of senior staff within the department. They meet once per term to discuss matters involving the management and direction of the department. The Management Committee receives and actions reports from the high level Departmental Committees (Education Committee, Equality Diversity and Inclusion Committee, Fellowships & Research Committee, Space, Infrastructure & Facilities Committee and Health & Safety Committee).

Minutes can be accessed under the DoLS Management Committee SharePoint site.

Management Committee membership:

Professor Daniel M. Davis (Head of Department)
Dr Maruf Ali (Academic Lead for Health and Safety)
Professor Geoff Baldwin (DoLS Enterprise Champion)
Professor Marc Dionne (Co-Chair, Space, Infrastructure and Facilities Committee)
Ms Pat Evans (Departmental Operations Manager)
Dr Josh Hodge (Chair, DoLS Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee)
Professor Erhard Hohenester (Chair, Fellowships and Research Committee)
Professor Mark Isalan (Deputy Head of Department, South Kensington and Co-Chair Space, Infrastructure and Facilities Committee
Dr Julie McDonald (Academic Staff, South Kensington and rep for Centre for Bacterial Resistance Biology)
Dr David Mann (Director of Postgraduate Studies)
Professor Faith Osier (Co-Director, Institute of Infection)
Professor Huw Williams (Director of Unergraduate Studies)
Professor Guy Woodward (Deputy Head of Department, Silwood Park)
Dr Bonnie Waring (Academic Staff representative, Silwood Park Campus)