The UKIAM model has been developed to investigate emissions control strategies in the UK that are cost-effective in maximizing improvement in protection of the environment while helping to comply with the UK's international commitments  on national emission ceilings and air quality legislation. Protection of the environment includes human health with respect to human exposure and air quality standards, and protection of natural ecosystems through reducing exceedance of critical loads as the maximum annual deposition sustainable to avoid adverse effects.  It brings together UK data based on the work of other DEFRA contractors, with emissions data based on the National Atmospheric Emissions Inventory, source apportionment reflecting the response of concentrations and deposition to changes in UK emissions based on the FRAME model of CEH, and information on abatement measures on SO2, NOx and primary PM10 from AMEC Environment & Infrastructure UK, and from the North Wyke Research for NH3 from agriculture as the main NH3 source. The latter are embodied in cost curves, ranking the potential abatement measures as a series of emission reduction steps for each pollutant and source represented in UKIAM in order of increasing cost per unit emission reduction. The model can then be used in scenario analysis mode to examine the effect of selected measures, or in optimization mode selecting measures in order of cost effectiveness in moving towards targets for environmental protection.

UKIAM framework At the urban scale UKIAM has been modified to model NO2 and PM10 in London and other major cities, using a finer grid resolution and with the road network superimposed- see modelling of the transport sector and the BRUTAL model. So far this work has been concentrated mainly on scenarios for transport up to 2020, and the effectiveness of both technical measures aimed at reducing exhaust emissions, and non-technical measures such as congestion charging that reduce traffic volumes (and emissions from brakes and tyres as well as exhausts). More work is now needed on non-traffic emissions, including those due to space heating and energy use.

In recent work UKIAM has being extended to consider greenhouse gases as well as air quality pollutants, and investigate synergies in combined strategies for control. This development parallels corresponding developments in European scale modelling by IIASA for the European Commission with their new GAINS model, and involves extending the range of measures considered to include, for example, changes in energy generation as well as add-on or "end-of-pipe"measures to control specific pollutants. Instead of cost-curves for individual pollutants, each measure is associated with corresponding effects on the whole range of pollutants and greenhouse gas emissions from the sources affected, with only a single associated cost. This will enable us to study the environmental and economic advantages of an integrated approach to air quality issues and climate change.

UKIAM Publications

  • Oxley T, ApSimon H, Valiantis M, Modelling national air quality strategy scenarios with UKIAM: uncertainties emerging from the integration of multiple spatial scales, International Journal of Environment and Pollution, 2011, Vol:44, Pages:54-61, ISSN:0957-4352 (publication | doi)
  • Oxley T, ApSimon H, Space, time and nesting Integrated Assessment Models, Environmental Modelling & Software, 2007, Vol:22, Pages:1732-1749
  • OXLEY.T , ApSimon.H.M , Dore.A , et al, The UK Integrated Assessment Model (UKIAM): A national scale approach to the analysis of strategies for abatement of atmospheric pollutants under the Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution, Integrated Assessment, 2003, Vol:4, Pages:236-249