European scale modelling: the ASAM model
The Abatement Strategies Assessment Model, ASAM, was originally developed in parallel with the IIASA RAINS model during development of the Second Sulphur Protocol and Gothenburg protocols under the UN ECE Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution. These protocols were based on recognition that some areas of Europe were more sensitive to pollution than others, and that some countries contributed more pollution in these areas than others. This needed to be recognized in setting emission ceilings for each country, and a uniform reduction throughout Europe was not cost-effective.
In this context ASAM used for a range of independent studies to complement the work of IIASA for the Task Force on Integrated Assessment Modelling- for example related to control of ammonia emissions from agriculture; and also to the control of particulate concentrations and impacts on human health which was not then included in the work of IIASA. Further details of work under the UN ECE may be found on
More recently the ASAM model has been kept up to date with data from the Eulerian modelling of atmospheric transport of pollutants across Europe by EMEP, and used in source apportionment studies and scenario analysis for the impact of future European emissions on the UK. Integrated assessment at the national scale can then be nested within this larger scale assessment.
Relevant Publications
- Oxley T, ApSimon H, 2007, Space, time and nesting Integrated Assessment Models, Environmental Modelling & Software, 22, pp1732-1749
- ApSimon, H.M., Warren, R.F. & Wilson, J.J.N., 1994, The abatement strategies assessment model - ASAM: Applications to reductions of sulphur dioxide emissions across Europe, Atmospheric Environment, 28, 4, 649-663
- ApSimon, H.M., Gonzalez del Campo, T. & Adams, H.S., 2001. Modelling long-range transport of primary particulate material over Europe. Atmospheric Environment, 35, 343-352.
- Warren, R. & ApSimon, H., 1999, Uncertainties in integrated assessment modelling of abatement strategies: illustrations with the ASAM model, Environmental Science & Policy, 2, 6, 439-456
- Warren, R. & ApSimon, H., 2000, Integrated assessment of sulphur dioxide reduction schemes: Robustness studies, choice of environmental targets and country roles, Journal of Environmental Management, 59, 1, 3-20