Completed Calculators
Completed calculators
2050 Pathways for Australia webtool (launched in 2015) and produced by ClimateWorks Australia
- 2050 Pathways for Austria webtool and light version (launched 2015)
- Produced by Umweltbundesamt (Environment Agency)
- Bangladesh 2050 Calculator, webtool and spreadsheet (launched 2015)
- Produced by Cardiff University in collaboration with the Ministry of Power and the Independent University of Bangladesh
- Belgian 2050 Pathways Calculator website with webtool (launched 2013) and My2050 game (launched 2016)
- Produced by the climate change service of the federal administration with CLIMACTand VITO
- A Wallonia 2050 Pathways Calculator web tool was launched 2011, produced by the regional Government of Wallonia and CLIMACT
- Brazil 2050 Simulator
- Produced by Empresa de Pesquisa Energética (EPE) and COPPE (part of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro)
The China 2050 Calculator was created by China’s Energy Research Institute (ERI) with support from the UK Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) and the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO). These groups were brought together by the Low Emission Development Strategies Global Partnership (LEDS GP), founded in 2011 to facilitate peer learning technical cooperation and information exchange to support the formation and implementation of low emission development strategies.
More information can be found here.
In 2015, the Colombia 2050 Calculator was launched by Minambiente (the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development) and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP).
Czech Republic
- Czech 2050 Calculator with webtool and spreadsheet (launched 2016)
- Produced by the Ministry of Environment
The Ecuadorian 2050 calculator was launched by the Instituto Nacional de Eficiencia Energetica Energias Renovables (INER) in 2016.
European Calculator
Global Calculator
The Global Calculator is a free, interactive and open-source energy model of the entire world to 2050. It allows users to explore what it takes to tackle climate change. The Global Calculator was simultaneously launched in London and Beijing in January 2015 and continues to be a useful guide to explore global mitigation pathways and associated costs.
Why use it?
To explore what it takes to tackle climate change on a global level and to learn what mitigation options make a real difference and impact on lifestyles:
- Learn about energy, land, food and climate issues – how they are related and how they interact
- Understand how sectors will evolve at a global level to lower carbon by 2050 and see which markets could grow in the future
- Help inform internal strategies and campaigns
- Determine whether country plans are aligned with a global 2°C pathway
- Discover what technologies and actions we need in future.
How can I access it?
Access the tool here - tutorials, videos and user guides will be made available on this site.
You can also download a summary of the Global Calculator’s findings in Prosperous living for the world in 2050: insights from the Global Calculator
- India Energy Security Scenarios 2047 web tool and spreadsheet (launched 2014, revised in 2015)
- Produced by NITI Aayog, the Indian Government's Planning Commission.
- State Calculators are also being developed, for example for the Andhra Pradesh energy Calculator (launched 2018) and the Tamil Nadu State Energy Calculator (TNSEC) 2050.
- Produced by ICF in conjunction with the Government of Andhra Pradesh and NITI Aayog.
- Indonesia 2050 Calculator webtool and spreadsheet (launched 2014 and revised 2016)
- Produced by the Indonesian Energy Statistics Organisation (Pusdatin) and the Indonesia Institute for Energy Economics
- Papua province 2050 Calculator website with webtool and Excel (launched 2016)
- Ireland 2050: Understanding Our Energy Choices website including My2050 and webtool with Excel (launched 2016)
- Produced by the Energy Institute
- Japan 2050 Low Carbon Navigator webtool, spreadsheet and project website (launched 2014)
- Produced by the Japanese Institute for Global Environmental Studies
The Kenya Carbon Emission Reduction Tool (KCERT) is helping Kenya to meet its target of becoming a net-zero economy by 2050. Housed within the Government of Kenya’s Ministry of Energy and developed by Strathmore University, KCERT is supporting the development of long-term strategy for Kenya’s climate change mitigation measures. KCERT is a useful tool for providing data and guiding implementation as Kenya implements its Energy Act 2019 and develops other sectoral plans and strategies, such as long- and medium-term plans.
KCERT was designed to meet the requirements of the Constitution of Kenya 2010 in terms of public participation in policy development, facilitating engagement of government, industry, academia, and the general public on sustainable energy planning. The tool makes it simpler to easily access real data to support better decision-making. KCERT also assists in planning and organising existing climate change mitigation activities undertaken by the Ministry of Energy as well as other mitigation projects being undertaken in various sectors in Kenya. The tool presents Kenya with a unique opportunity to provide leadership in the East African region on climate change mitigation in the sustainable production and use of energy.
- Mauritius 2050 Calculator Webtool (launched 2015)
- Produced by the Mauritius Ministry of Environment, Sustainable Development, and Disaster and Beach Management
- Mexico 2050 Calculator webtool and spreadsheet (launched 2015) and My2050 game
- Produced by SENER and Centro Mario Molina
New Zealand
- Wellington 2050 Energy Calculator (launched 2016)
- Produced by Wellington City Council, National Energy Research Institute (NERI) and Enspiral
The Nigeria Energy Calculator (NECAL2050) aims is to identify energy secure pathways in the country for energy demand and supply between 2020 and 2050. The Calculator, developed by the Energy Commission of Nigeria (ECN) and the Federal Ministry of Environment, helps users (government, businesses, scholars, and individuals) to understand the wide range of possible energy pathways available to the country as it develops its energy sector. It provides quantities of energy demand, supply, emissions, and potential implications on issues such as import dependence, cost, and land requirements, and it offers a platform to facilitate policy debate about the possible future pathways for the Nigerian energy sector, while enabling prioritisation of potential policy interventions for deeper analysis.
South Africa
- South Africa 2050 Pathways web tool (launched 2014) and MY2050 game
- Produced by the South African Department of Environmental Affairs and the University of Cape Town
South East Europe
- South East Europe Model (for policy makers)
- South East Europe Model (video game version)
- Covers Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia
- Produced by SEE Change Net with support from the EU's Energy Community
South Korea
- South Korea 2050 Calculator web tool, spreadsheet and My2050 (launched 2013)
- Produced by the Sejong University
- Switzerland 2050 Calculator Web Tool (launched 2015)
- Produced by the Energy Center of EPFL
- Taiwan 2050 Calculator website with web tool, spreadsheet and My2030 game (first launched 2013)
- Produced by the Taiwanese Ministry of Economic Affairs and the Industrial Technology Research Institute
The Thailand 2050 Calculator is helping the country consider the appropriate low emission pathways to achieve its nationally determined contribution (NDC) target by 2030, in particular, to implement its national long-term strategy for low carbon development towards 2050. Hosted within the Energy Policy and Planning Office (EPPO) of the Ministry of Energy, Thailand, the Thailand 2050 Calculator is being used as an integrated tool to revise Thailand’s energy blueprint which consists of power development, energy efficiency, alternative energy development, gas, and oil plans. This will give EPPO and the Thai Government a clear picture of the impact of each activity or aspect, and ultimately propel a gradual transition to a low carbon economy in Thailand by 2050. In addition, the Calculator is expected to be used to raise public awareness of the greenhouse gas emission situation and climate change issues through the model’s launch events, and related teaching courses/modules to encourage research using the tool.
United Kingdom
The latest version of the UK Calculator webtool, produced by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (former Department of Energy and Climate Change), can be found below:
- My 2050 - Create your pathway to low carbon UK by 2050
- Detailed version of the MacKay Carbon calculator
Older versions of this tool, first launched in 2010, can still be found here:
United States
Vietnam's original 2050 Calculator model was built in 2014 and upgraded in 2015/2016 with the support from the UK Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) and the British Embassy in Hanoi. The VN2050Calculator4NDC has now been updated again to include recent data and to expand industry and supply sectors to provide a deeper level of understanding of how these sectors impact national greenhouse gas emissions.
The main aim of the upgrade is to support the Ministry of Industry and Trade (MOIT) to implement Vietnam’s nationally determined contribution (NDC). Specific objectives are to assess the new NDC target, support MOIT to prepare and implement an action plan to implement NDC goals in the energy sector, and monitor and measure the implementation of greenhouse gas emission reduction in key energy sectors and sub-sectors.