In order to use the facility as an external user, please use the following guidelines:

  1. Register with Clustermarket 
  2. Find the Agilent Measurement Suite under Imperial College London
  3. Send an email to detailing:
    1. What you would like to do
    2. Which instrument you would like to use
    3. Anticipated number of samples

If we need any further information we will reply to this email.

Requesting access to the suite

By ACCESS we mean that you as the user will have access to the suite, and you will be responsible for operation of the instrumentation.  PLEASE NOTE:  Access is not accessible to all external customers, we can clarify this on request. 

You will need to complete safety inductions and training before you can book any instrumentation. 


Initially you pay for training and inductions under one quote, then,

  1. You request a quote for a specific number of hours (no expiry, to be used as needed), once these hours are used you will need to request an additional quote.  This payment will be made in full at this stage.  (If you do not use hours, then Clustermarket will arrange a refund).
  2. You request the number of hours required for your particular need every time.  Again, this payment will be made in full.


  1. Once a quote has been received and paid for, please send an email to with your preferred booking dates and times (please put the subject of the email, as ‘Clustermarket customer- Order number or Reference number’.  We will then confirm or suggest alternatives.
  2. Once you receive booking confirmation, please turn up at your designated booking time, a member of the Agilent suite will allow you access and ensure that you are happy to proceed.

Any clarification to these points can be made at the training stage.

Terms and conditions

All requirements are subject to accepting the T+C’s as laid out by Imperial College ICON, which will be made available to you at the quote stage.