Professional development
The professional development of all our staff across all job families is important to us as a Department. All staff take part in an annual review with their line manager where they are able to develop a Personal Review and Development Programme (PRDP).
Supporting staff professional development
A range of staff professional development courses are available through the College including some within the EDI remit. Calibre is a talent development and leadership programme for staff who identify as neurodiversity or disabled or who have a long term physical or mental health condition. Impact is a talent development programme for Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) staff.
Our Head of Department meets our various staff on a regular basis to discuss the needs of our technical, professional and research staff in terms of professional development.
Technician professional development
We are very proud and pleased to say that over half of the technical team at MSRH are professionally registered, this includes RSciTech (registered Science Technician), RSci (registered scientist) and CC (chartered chemist). The push for technicians to join a governing body such as RSC, RSB has always been encouraged within the team as a means of staying connected to their field of expertise, however a few years ago the science council’s ‘Technician’s Commitment’ initiative really honed in on what it means to be a registered professional within these bodies, and the benefits of obtaining this title on your CV. Since then, we have had technical team members become MARS mentors for the college, this group was set up to support and prepare researchers going through the application process and to aid in monitoring progress of lengthy applications i.e. chartership. The technical team at MSRH are a group of highly skilled individuals with very different and unique areas of expertise, professional registration not only highlights these achievements but also shines a light on the high calibre of technical skills we harbour within the department, all with one mutual aim and that is to support ongoing research within the scientific community.
Professional staff development
We support the development of our professional staff team within the department and have arranged for representatives from the College to visit and present available opportunities for our staff.
Imperial runs a targeted talent development programme for our Professional Services Staff. This includes Coaching, Mentoring and Reverse Mentoring programmes.
Our professional staff are able to join the Imperial PA & Administrator network which offers development, support and networking opportunities.