Statement from Professor Oscar Ces, Head of Department

Our policy on bullying is simple and clear - we do not tolerate it. Every member of our community is entitled to work, train and learn in a caring, supportive, inclusive and safe environment where they do not have to worry about being bullied. Bullying is anti-social behaviour, it is unacceptable and it has no place in our Department. If you are the victim of bullying or are aware of bullying please do not hesitate to make the Department aware - we will deal with cases of bullying effectively and promptly.

Reporting incidents

Staff and students can report bullying and harassment through the College Report + Support tool. This enables both anonymous disclosure and requests for contact as well as a number of staff and student support links.

Imperial College also has a network of trained Staff Supporters who can provide confidential support and advice to Imperial staff. They can act as signposters to other College services and a point of call when staff do not know who to reach out to.

The Department of Chemistry has trained Bullying and Harassment Advisors which you can contact for support:

Dr Sarah Al-Beidh
Prof. Marina Kuimova
Dr Michael (Mike) Ray
Dr Adam Davis
Peter Haycock
Prof. Saif Haque