P.I.N.K Video
P.I.N.K++ +a+patient+safety+video
The “Participate Inform Notice Know” (PINK) patient safety video is a short animated video aimed at encouraging patient involvement in safety-relevant behaviours. Devised by a team of academic surgeons from Imperial College London and the Training Hub for Operative Technologies in Healthcare (THOTH), the video was scripted and produced by Team Saatchi in 2008. The animation is shot as if ‘through the eyes’ of the patient, and introduces a patient to the various professionals they may meet during their admission. More specifically, the video encourages patients to:
- Participate – e.g. be involved in the decision-making process regarding appropriate treatment or management
- Inform – e.g. ensure their identity is confirmed, provide information regarding diagnosis and current management
- Notice – e.g. be alert to possible problems and mention them to staff, notice if treatment is inappropriately administered, or a healthcare professional is not washing their hands between beds
- Know – e.g. that if you smoke you put your health at risk, or that thrombo-embolic deterrent stockings are an absolute necessity for most patients and that taking some responsibility for your own recovery is essential