Metric Of Decision-Making (MDT-MODe)
- MDT-MODe is an evidence based tool for the observational assessment of teamwork and decision-making quality in multidisciplinary cancer team meetings
- MDT-MODe is designed to encourage teams to make holistic decisions that are tailored to individual patients.
- MDT-MODe allows an observer to quantitatively and objectively rate on a case-by-case basis:
- The quality of clinical information (History, radiological, pathological, comorbid health conditions, psychosocial issues, and patients’ views)
- The contribution to team decision making of key professional groups (Surgeons, physicians, oncologists, nurses, allied healthcare professionals, radiologists, pathologists and MDT coordinators)
- Taken together, these ratings provide an index of the quality of team decision-making
Selected bibliography
Lamb B, Sevdalis N, Mostafid H, Vincent C, Green JSA. Quality improvement in multidisciplinary cancer teams: an investigation of teamwork and clinical decision-making and cross-validation of assessments. Ann Surg Oncol. Pubmed
Lamb B, Wong H, Vincent C, Green JSA, Sevdalis N. Teamwork and team performance in urological multidisciplinary cancer teams: Development and evaluation of an observational assessment tool. BMJ Qual Saf (2011). Pubmed
Lamb B, Sevdalis N, Arora S, Pinto A, Vincent C, Green JSA. Teamwork and team decision-making in multidisciplinary cancer conferences: Barriers, facilitators, and opportunities for improvement. World J Surg. 2011 Sep;35(9):1970-6. Pubmed
Lamb B, Brown K, Nagpal K, Vincent C, Green JSA, Sevdalis, N. Team decision making by cancer care multidisciplinary teams: a systematic review. Annals of Surgical Oncology. 2011 Mar 26. [Epub ahead of print] DOI 10. Pubmed
Lamb B, Green JSA, Vincent C, Sevdalis N. Decision making in surgical oncology, Surgical Oncology. 2010 Sep;20(3):163-8., doi:10.1016/j.suronc.2010.07.007