Metabolic Medicine and Endocrinology
Key Info
21st January 2021
Zoom call with members of the BRC public advisory panel: introductory slides & breakout room discussions
Speakers (A-Z):
Dr Ali Abbara, Dr Chioma Izzi-Engbeaya
Hosts / Breakout room facilitators:
Maria Piggin, Halle Johnson
Call overview and agenda
On 21 January 2021, Dr Chioma Izzi-Engbeaya and Dr Ali Abbara presented the proposed research plans for the proposed Metabolic Medicine & Endocrinology Theme in the Imperial Biomedical Research Centre (BRC) (2022 to 2027) to members of the Imperial BRC Public Advisory Panel (Panel) via an online Zoom meeting.
The aim of this particular online session was to:
- Introduce the Theme's proposed areas of research
- Q&A
- Facilitate small group discussions exploring the topic further with panel members
Summary of Key Insights
This following is a summary of the themes identified in breakout room discussions, more details of which are set out in the full Metabolic Medicine Theme Report
Comments on proposed research areas
Panel members were positive about the proposed three main areas of research presented i.e. diabetes (Type 1 and 2), obesity (metabolic surgery and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease) and fertility (linked to weight loss and pulsatile hormones). In relation to diabetes research, they suggested focus could be placed on the following areas: different forms of insulin administration; diet in ethnic groups and the link to Type 2 diabetes; and the importance of lifestyle factors e.g. diet, the importance of genetic factors and Type 2 diabetes. They also suggested research be carried out into obesity and mental health; obesity, diabetes, and exercise; and young people, obesity, and diabetes.
Undertaking further consultation with relevant population groups
As to suggestions on how the Theme should undertake further consultation with relevant population groups, Panel members recommended linking to national prevention groups, utilising community champions, emphasizing the benefits of the research i.e. to reduce the current burden of diabetes. They also suggested undertaking engagement in schools and universities, working closely with communities and local government and public health officials as well as ethnically diverse third sector groups. Providing written information and tailored messaging was considered to be important. For metabolic surgery, they suggested involving those who have and haven’t had experience of metabolic surgery and utilising fertility clinics and GPs to undertake engagement about fertility including exploring particular issues/challenges these groups may have to assist with recruitment to studies.
Proposed public involvement plans
In terms of the proposed public involvement plans outlined in the presentation slides, the Panel members considered project specific public involvement to be integral. They considered that a public representative should be embedded in the Theme and that they should attend Theme management meetings and the Theme should have its own PPIE strategy.
How we used the insights
This insight report summarising key points from the session was made available to Theme leads and the BRC Executive in order to shape the BRC application. The report was also provided to the Panel members who took part in the involvement activity. A full report on all public involvement activities undertaken in preparation for the BRC application can be found here.
We would like to thank all those members of the public who gave their time and thoughtful insights through these activities, and the researchers who engaged enthusiastically in the process.