Get in touch
Patient Experience Research Centre location
We are always interested in developing new partnerships and collaborating on new projects related to our areas of expertise, so please get in touch using the guidance below.
Contacts row 1
Patients and public
If you are interested in getting involved with any of our current projects as a public contributor or hearing about our forthcoming opportunities, please email the team.
If you would like to receive email updates about our research activity, public engagement events and opportunities to take part as a research participant or get involved as a public advisor, please sign up to our mailing list.
If you are already on our distribution list to be contacted about forthcoming public involvement and engagement activities and wish to unsubscribe, please get in touch.
If you have a research idea you would like to discuss, please contact Prof Helen Ward.
We also offer seminars and workshops on public involvement in research. Please visit out publicinvolvement training tab or contact the public involvement team for more information.
Imperial have a license to use the VOICE online platform to promote opportunities for engagement and involvement in research to the public. Visit our VOICE at Imperial page to find more or contact our team for more information.
Contacts row 2
NHS Staff
We are also interested in supporting quality improvement projects which involve patients, carers and wider public groups in the process. Contact us to discuss.
If you would like to carry out a research project or discuss a PhD idea please contact the team. We also run sessions in public involvement and other approaches.
General contact details
Patient Experience Research Centre
St Marys Campus
Norfolk Place
London, W2 1PG
Research enquiries
Enquiries about Public Involvement in research
+44 (0)20 7594 3822