ITMAT DSG Workshop 2017
Monday February 20th 2017 - Hammersmith Campus
This worskhop is organized by the ITMAT Data Science Group of the NIHR Imperial Biomerdical Research Centre (BRC). It will gather external guests and Imperial College speakers to discuss current challenges and opportunities in using data science for translational medicine.
Location: Lecture Theatre 2, Wolfson Centre, Imperial College Hammersmith Campus, London W12 0NN
9h30:10h00 | |
Welcome Coffee & Tea | |
10h00 - 12h30Guest Speakers & Panel |
10h00-10h15: Prof. Jonathan Weber, (Head of the Imperial BRC), "Welcome Remark" 10h15-10h45: Dr. Wilco Hazeleger, Netherland E-Science Center, "Getting (Life) Science Out Of Escience" 10h45-11h15: Dr. Alvis Brazma, European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI), "EBI's Perspective On Bioinformatics Challenges From Translational Projects" 11h15-11h25: BREAK 11h25-11h55: Dr. Brian Tom, MRC Biostatistics Unit, "Statistical Challenges and Opportunities for Stratified Medicine" 11:55-12:30: Panel Discussion (R. Glen, W. Hazeleger, A. Brazman, B. Tom) |
12h30-13h30: Lunch Break |
13h45-14h30 -Imperial Speakers |
13h30-13h45: Ben Glampson, Imperial College Healthcare Trust - Health Informatics, "Dr. Ben Glampson, Imperial College Healthcare Trust - Health Informatics" 13h45-14h00: Dr. Sarah Butcher, Faculty of Medicine, Bioinformatics Data Science Group, "UK Med-Bio - MEDical BIOinformatics partnership - Aggregation, integration, visualisation and analysis of large, complex data" 14:00-14:15: Prof. Mauricio Barahona, Dpt of Mathematics, EPSRC Centre for Mathematics of Precision Healthcare, "On The Use Of Manifold Learning And Graph Theoretical Methods For The Analysis Of Omics Datasets In Biomedicine" 14:15-14:30: Prof. Paul Matthews, Faculty of Medicine, Division of Brain Sciences, "Opportunities for Clinical Innovation through Big Data" 14:30-14:45: Prof. Roger Gunn, Faculty of Medicine, Division of Brain Sciences & Imanova, "Molecular Imaging Analysis for Disease Understanding and Drug Development" 14:45-15:00: Dr. Elsa Angelini, ITMAT Data Science Group, "The ITMAT Data Science Group: A key resource for translation"
15h30-16h00Pannel |
"Wrap Up & Future Actions" (R. Glen, K.Sheehan-Rooney, E. Aboagye)