If you wish to discuss a research project, potential funding routes, need help finding collaborators or with preparing/devleoping/reviewing an application, please contact our Translational Research Manager Mark Gurden, with prior experienced in translational research and managing research funding at CRUK, or the Director of Operation Chloe Stockford.

CRUK Imperial Centre Funding opportunities

(currently closed for 2020/21)

The CRUK Imperial Centre supports the development of cancer researchers at Imperial through two main funding routes:

  1. We offer seed/pump-prime funding to generate the data required to apply for large external grant awards, particularly for new collaborative multidisciplinary cancer research projects.
  2. We fund several PhD studentships per year which are focused on covergence in cancer research.

In addition, this year (2020) we will be piloting a Data Science in Cancer Research Award, which will be looking to fund a mathematics or computer sciencetists (for up to 6 months) to work on a cancer research dataset, in collaboration with a cancer research scienctinst or clinician at Imperial.

Other CRUK Funding

In addition to funding offered through the CRUK Imperial Centre, there is a much broader range of funding schemes and opportunities for researcher through CRUK itself. Click on the link below to see an overview of the main funding opportunities available through CRUK.

All Imperial Funding Schemes

To see all potential internal funding opportunities at Imperial College London, please visit the research office websiteHowever, we would like to highlight the the Imperial Confidence in Concept Fund (ICiC)

  • The ICiC scheme provides pilot funding to researchers to bridge the potential gap between discovery research to translational development projects.
  • For more infomation please visist the ICiC website 
  • Funding amount: typically £50 - 80k


Funding Translation through External Sources

For a useful list of other potential sources of external funding, particularly when considering the translation and commercialisation of your work, please visit the funding opportunities page of the enterprise website to see an extensive list of potential funding avenues.