Accessing samples from the Human Anatomy Unit
The Human Anatomy Unit (HAU) is a teaching facility which provides anatomy and pathology resources for students and practitioners of medicine and allied healthcare professions. Samples may be obtained for use in research from specimens stored by the HAU. The Tissue Bank has REC approval to issue samples from the HAU for research. Applications can now be made electronically via the Tissue Bank database. If you are already registered as a user of the database you will see "Apply for access to samples" on the left hand side menu bar. Click on this to start your application. If you are not yet a registered user please email the Tissue Bank to obtain a user name and password. Applications are reviewed by an Application Review Panel which usually takes between 7-21 days. The purpose of the review is to ensure that the samples are put to good scientific use. Following approval of the application, the researcher is deemed to have ethics approval from the Wales REC3 committee for their project. This means that researchers using the Tissue Bank material do not have to submit their own IRAS (Integrated Research Approval System) form.