Additional services
In addition to facilitating access to human tissue samples, ICHTB can provide the following services on a fee for service basis;
- Cutting sections from frozen or FFPE tissue blocks.
- H&E staining of frozen or FFPE tissue slides.
- DNA extraction from blood, saliva, frozen or FFPE tissue.
- RNA extraction from blood, saliva, frozen or FFPE tissue.
- Slide scanning of stained sections.
- Advice on design of clinical trials where biospecimens are collected.
- Provision of SOPs on tissue collection, quality assurance and further processing for clinical trials or tissue banking.
- Dry ice (please note: dry ice is delivered on Monday morning, therefore the order needs to be placed by Thursday of the previous week)
- Extra Sample Consent forms and Patient Information Sheet (PIS).
- Sample storage
For further information on our services and to request a quote, please email the Tissue Bank.