Protect time to achieve academic outputs and develop your career

Do you need to work on a manuscript?

Do you need to submit an abstract for an international conference?

Would you like a peer reviewer to give you constructive critical feedback on your paper or abstract? 

If so, join one of MERU’s Professional Development Retreats.

These timetabled retreats allow you to protect time to focus on academic tasks primarily intended to achieve academic outputs such as publications. These retreats can be used for data analysis, reading, writing up, and any other relevant academic activities. By offering regular retreats, we hope that all interested Colleagues will be able to identify one or more sessions which work for them. You can attend as many or as few retreats as you like and can make time for.

Collective and individual objectives and needs will be addressed. You can use the session as protected time to work towards your personal goals independently or you can book a slot for individual guidance, support and/or feedback. These slots are available in advance and can be booked up to 24h before. You will find this information in the registration form. Ana and Sue will be happy to give you feedback and encouragement, discuss ideas and provide relevant material to address specific challenges and/or difficulties.

This is a collegial and ethical space. All who decide to engage in the retreats will encounter a respectful, trustworthy, supportive and positive environment. All participants and facilitators will be expected to maintain ethical research behaviours, including honesty and strict confidentiality.

Targeted audience

In the first instance, priority will be given to Phase 1, Phase 2 and Phase 3 Strategic Teaching Fellows (i.e. those whose roles specifically relate to the implementation and delivery of the new curriculum, and are therefore involved in research-based evaluations, which involve academic dissemination).

Other Phase 1 and Phase 2 Teaching Fellows.

Depending on demand, we will keep the potential audience under review and expand it if feasible.


Essential – until 24h before the session. Maximum of 20 participants in any one session. First come, first served. Click here to register. 

Frequency and duration

Every couple of weeks, in general, either on Wednesdays or Fridays, 2-5pm.

The retreats will be held online. A link will be sent after registering in the link above.

Facilitators: Dr Ana Baptista and Prof Sue Smith 

Certificates of attendance can be provided to all participants by MERU in request.

If you have any queries, please email Dr Ana Baptista.