Prior to submitting an application for admission, you must secure a potential supervisor. Details of the School’s academics can be found below – please note, when contacting a supervisor email is the preferred method.

It can be confusing to contact several supervisors at once and we recommend you contact one supervisor at a time.

The following details should be included in your initial email:

  • Your proposed research - including a research proposal would be beneficial, however, it is not essential
  • How the chosen supervisors’ experience or knowledge is relevant to your research
  • A copy of your CV
  • Your relevant experience/background in the field of your chosen research
  • Your desired start date (if known) 
  • How you intend to fund the Degree
  • How you intend to fund the Degree

***Supervisors are unlikely to reply if you have not included all the details listed above***

Many supervisors receive a large number of emails each day, so please be patient whilst waiting for a response. We recommend applicants send a follow-up email if no response has been received within a three week period.

Alternatively, applicants who have identified a suitable supervisor can contact the PhD Administrator if they have not received a response to their initial email.

Supervisor list

  • Dr Sara Ahmadi-Abhari

    Personal details

    Dr Sara Ahmadi-Abhari Lecturer in the Epidemiology of Ageing, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics

    Research Interests

    Investigating novel biological pathways leading to dementia that may lead to identification of early detection or therapeutic targets. The overarching aim of research is to reveal unidentified dementia subtypes through multi-modal analysis of genetic, fluid biomarker and neuroimaging data collected in large epidemiological studies by application of advanced statistical modelling techniques, supervised and unsupervised machine learning methods.

    Other line of research involves public health Markov modelling to forecast the future burden of dementia and disability at population level and estimating the impact of public health interventions on prevalence of these conditions.

  • Professor Sir Roy Anderson

    Sir Roy Anderson

    Personal details

    Professor Sir Roy Anderson Professor in Infectious Disease Epidemiology, Department of Infectious Disease Epidemiology

    Research interests

    Host interaction between pathogens and the immune system
    Spread, persistence and transmission dynamics of genotypes within pathogen populations
    Impact and control of diseases within communities

  • Professor Nimalan Arinaminpathy

    Nimalan Arinaminpathy

    Personal details

    Professor Nimalan Arinaminpathy Professor in Mathematical Epidemiology, Department of Infectious Disease Epidemiology

    Research Interests

    The interface between health/economic systems and infectious diseases, particularly in the context of human tuberculosis. This includes understanding how health systems shape the control of infectious diseases and studying financing mechanisms for the supply of drugs to countries in need.

  • Professor Deborah Ashby

    Professor Deborah Ashby

    Personal details

    Professor Deborah Ashby Director of the School of Public Health

    Research interests

    Clinical trials, risk-benefit decision making for medicines and the utility of Bayesian approaches in these areas

  • Professor Paul Aylin

    Paul Aylin Imperial College

    Personal details

    Professor Paul Aylin Professor of Epidemiology and Public Health, Department of Primary Care and Public Health

    Research interests

    Using routinely collected administrative data to explore variations in the quality and safety of healthcare with the aim of improving patient care

  • Dr Leon Barron

    Dr Leon Barron

    Personal details

    Dr Leon Barron Reader in Analytical & Environmental Sciences, Environmental Research Group

    Research interests

    Analytical Science; Chemical Risk Assessment; Wastewater-Based Epidemiology; Early Threat Warning and 'Environmental Forensics'

  • Professor Maria-Gloria Basanez

    Personal details

    Professor Maria-Gloria Basanez Professor of Neglected Tropical Diseases, Department of Infectious Disease Epidemiology

    Research interests

    Epidemiology and control of helminthiases in general and  population biology of indirectly-transmitted macroparasites in particular, with emphasis on River Blindness. My interests range from vector biology and transmission studies, to development of mathematical models to aid control policy.

  • Professor Marta Blangiardo

    Marta Blangiardo

    Personal details

    Professor Marta Blangiardo Chair in Biostatistics, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics

    Research interests

    Bayesian modelling of exposure to air pollutants, integration of air pollution concentration from different sources
    Bayesian hierarchical models for combining individual and ecological data in epidemiological studies
    Bayesian measurement error models

  • Professor Marie-Claude Boily

    Personal details

    Professor Marie-Claude Boily Professor of Mathematical Epidemiology, Department of Infectious Disease Epidemiology

    Research interests

    The use of mathematical models to understand the spread of HIV/STI
    Evaluating prevention strategies
    Validating and improving epidemiological study design and analysis

  • Professor Alex Bottle

    Dr Alex Bottle

    Personal details

    Professor Alex Bottle Professor of Medical Statistics, Department of Primary Care and Public Health

    Research interests

    Using routinely collected data to explore variations in health service quality and safety with the aim of improving patient care

  • Dr Josip Car

    Dr Josip Car

    Personal details

    Dr Josip Car Reader in Primary Care and eHealth, Department of Primary Care and Public Health

    Research interests

    Please note : Dr Car is only available to be a secondary supervisor
    eHealth, mHealth, health systems and population health research

  • Professor Marc Chadeau-Hyam

    Dr Marc Chadeau

    Personal details

    Professor Marc Chadeau-Hyam Professor of Computational Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics

    Research interests

    The application of novel statistical approaches to answer biologically/epidemiologically-driven questions. Main focuses include computationally efficient models for profiling from high-throughput platform and dynamic models for disease progression.

  • Professor John Chambers

    Dr John Chambers

    Personal details

    Professor John Chambers Professor of Cardiovascular Epidemiology, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics

    Research interests

    Investigation of genetic and environmental mechanisms underlying obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and related phenotypic disturbances in Indian Asians.

  • Professor Thomas Churcher

    Dr Thomas Churcher

    Personal details

    Professor Thomas Churcher Professor of Infectious Disease Dynamics, Department of Infectious Disease Epidemiology

    Research interests

    Use of mathematical models to understand the epidemiology and control of malaria, in particular, how the biology of the parasite will influence the resilience of the parasite to the success of different control interventions.

  • Professor Victoria Cornelius

    Photo of Dr Victoria Cornelius

    Personal details

    Professor Victoria Cornelius Professor in Medical Statistics and Trials Methodology, Imperial Clinical Trials Unit

    Research Interests

    Clinical Trials Research
    Detecting adverse drug reactions In randomised controlled trials
    Designing trials for uncommon conditions 

  • Dr Céire Costelloe

    Personal details

    Dr Céire Costelloe Visiting Professor

    Research Interests

    I work in research in digital health, with a focus on the use of routinely collected data to predict risk, inform innovation and evaluate interventions in healthcare practice.
    My work spans modelling, including research into  the impact of vaccines on AMR, developing and testing digital interventions for infection outcomes such as sepsis, and studying patient and population level impacts of digital tools such as patient portals and the NHS app.

  • Professor Amanda Cross

    Dr Amanda Cross

    Personal details

    Professor Amanda Cross Professor of Cancer Epidemiology, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics

    Research interests

    - Gastrointestinal malignancies and etiologic studies of lifestyle factors and cancer risk

  • Dr Abbas Dehghan

    Dr Abbas Dehghan

    Personal details

    Dr Abbas Dehghan Reader in Cardiometabolic Disease Epidemiology, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics

    Research interests

    Molecular determinants of cardiovascular diseases and type 2 diabetes.
    The role of chronic low-grade inflammation in complex disorders, causality and underlying mechanisms of cardiometabolic disorders.

  • Professor Christl Donnelly

    Professor Christl Donnelly

    Personal details

    Professor Christl Donnelly Professor of Statistical Epidemiology, Department of Infectious Disease Epidemiology

    Research interests

    Combining statistical and biomathematical methods to analyse epidemiological patterns of infectious diseases
    Outbreak response
    Ebola, SARS, Pandemic Influenza, bovine tuberculosis, diseases of livestock and wildlife

  • Dr Ilaria Dorigatti

    Dr Ilaria Dorigatti

    Personal details

    Dr Ilaria Dorigatti Senior Lecturer, Department of Infectious Disease Epidemiology

    Research interests

    Combining mathematical and statistical models to characterise how infectious disease spread and what drives spatiotemporal patterns
    Assess the impact of interventions, e.g. vaccination, vector control and non-pharmaceutical interventions
    Outbreak analysis
    Arboviruses, including dengue, Zika and Yellow Fever
    Emerging viruses, e.g. SARS-CoV-2 and Ebola

  • Professor Paul Elliott

    Professor Paul Elliott

    Personal details

    Professor Paul Elliott Chair in Epidemiology and Public Health Medicine, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics

    Research interests

    Environmental epidemiology and small area health statistics, genetic and molecular epidemiology, gene-environment interaction, nutritional epidemiology, cohort studies, biobanking, non-ionising radiation and health

  • Professor Majid Ezzati

    Majid Ezzati

    Personal details

    Professor Majid Ezzati Chair in Global Environmental Health, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics

    Research interests

    Population health, environment and health, health inequalities, global health, health forecasting, application of statistical and machine learning methods to population health

  • Dr Daniela Fecht

    Dr Daniela Fecht

    Personal details

    Dr Daniela Fecht Senior Lecturer, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics

    Research interests

    My research focuses on two themes: 1) Geographical variations in population health, with particular focus on urban systems; and 2) environmental and health inequalities.

  • Professor Neil Ferguson

    Professor Neil Ferguson

    Personal details

    Professor Neil Ferguson Professor of Mathematical Biology, Department of Infectious Disease Epidemiology and Director of the MRC Centre for Outbreak Analysis and Modelling

    Research interests

    Epidemiology, evolution and control of infectious disease (notably dengue, influenza, ebola and malaria)
    Mathematical modelling
    Statistical inference in epidemiology

  • Dr Filippos Filippidis

    Dr Filippos Filippidis

    Personal details

    Dr Filippos Filippidis Senior Lecturer in Public Health, Department of Primary Care and Public Health

    Research interests

    Epidemiology of tobacco and related products. Evaluation of tobacco control policies, such as taxation and smoke-free environments. Tobacco industry interference. Health-related behaviours (e.g. diet and physical activity). Health services and socioeconomic inequalities. 

  • Professor Matthew Fisher

    Professor Matthew Fisher

    Personal details

    Professor Matthew Fisher Professor of Fungal Disease Epidemiology, Department of Infectious Disease Epidemiology

    Research interests

    Using an evolutionary framework to investigate the biological and environmental factors that are driving emerging fungal diseases in both human, wildlife and plant species. My group generates large population genomic

  • Professor Azra Ghani

    Professor Azra Ghani

    Personal details

    Professor Azra Ghani Chair in Infectious Disease Epidemiology, Department of Infectious Disease Epidemiology

    Research interests

    Epidemiology, control and elimination of malaria focusing on the development and application of mathematical models

  • Professor Nicholas Grassly

    Professor Nicholas Grassly

    Personal details

    Professor Nicholas Grassly Professor of Infectious Disease and Vaccine Epidemiology, Department of Infectious Disease Epidemiology

    Research interests

    vaccine epidemiology, clinical trial design, mathematical modelling, molecular diagnostics and sequencing, esp. interested in poliovirus, rotavirus and other enteric infections. Lab and office-based projects available

  • Dr David Green

    Dr David Green

    Personal details

    Dr David Green Senior Research Fellow, Environmental Research Group

    Research interests

    Measurement of chemical and physical composition of airborne particulate matter, development and testing of atmospheric measurement approaches, receptor modelling and source apportionment, emissions of air pollutants

  • Professor Simon Gregson

    Professor Simon Gregson

    Personal details

    Professor Simon Gregson Professor in Demography and Behavioural Science, Department of Infectious Disease Epidemiology

    Research interests

    The dynamics of spread, impact and control of HIV epidemics in sub-Saharan Africa

  • Professor Timothy Hallett

    Professor Timothy Hallett

    Personal details

    Professor Timothy Hallett Professor of Global Health, Department of Infectious Disease Epidemiology

    Research interests

    The development and application of mathematical models for the heterosexual HIV epidemic in sub-Saharan Africa

  • Professor Katharina Hauck

    Professor Katharina Hauck

    Personal details

    Professor Katharina Hauck Professor in Health Economics, Department of Infectious Disease Epidemiology

    Research interests

    Economics of infectious diseases and empirical health economics, specifically economics of healthcare systems that aim to control infectious disease, cost-effectiveness analysis of dynamic disease transmission models, and incorporating human behaviour in models of infectious disease.

  • Professor Marjo-Riitta Jarvelin

    Personal details

    Professor Marjo-Riitta Jarvelin Chair in Lifecourse Epidemiology, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics

  • Dr Thibaut Jombart

    Personal details

    Dr Thibaut Jombart Senior Lecturer, Department of Infectious Disease Epidemiology

    Research interests

    Using simulations to understand which and how biological processes shape the genetic diversity observed in biological populations. Developing novel statistical approaches for extracting information from pathogen genomes and gain insights into the spatio-temporal dynamics of infectious diseases.

  • Dr Anthony Laverty

    Dr Anthony Laverty

    Personal details

    Dr Anthony Laverty Senior Lecturer, Department of Primary Care and Public Health

    Research interests

    Evaluation of public health policies in the areas of transport systems, tobacco control and nutrition

  • Professor Azeem Majeed

    Personal details

    Professor Azeem Majeed Chair in Primary Care and Public Health and Head of Department, Department of Primary Care and Public Health

    Research interests

    Please note : Professor Majeed is currently unable to support any more students.

    Chronic disease management, particularly diabetes and cardiovascular disorders; health policy and the organisation and delivery of health care; the use of information for policy, planning and research; developing innovative methodologies for primary care and public health research using clinical and administrative databases; the use of new technology to improve health care.

  • Professor Lefkos Middleton

    Personal details

    Professor Lefkos Middleton Chair in Clinical Neurology, Neuroepidemiology and Aging Unit

    Research interests

    The respective role of genetic and environmental factors in the etiology of Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease and in prevention strategies for these diseases.

  • Professor Christopher Millett

    Personal details

    Professor Christopher Millett Professor of Public Health, Department of Primary Care and Public Health

    Research interests

    Public health policy evaluation, with a particular interest in health inequality impact. The main areas of his research currently include tobacco control, active travel, improving the management of chronic disease, financial protection in health systems.

  • Dr Lucy Okell

    Personal details

    Dr Lucy Okell Senior Lecturer/Royal Society Dorothy Hodgkin Research Fellow, Department of Infectious Disease Epidemiology

    Research interests

    Epidemiology and mathematical modelling of malaria drugs, diagnostics and drug resistance.

  • Dr Fred Piel

    Personal details

    Dr Fred Piel Senior Lecturer in Spatial Epidemiology, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics

    Research interests

    Spatial epidemiology of genetic diseases, including cystic fibrosis and sickle cell disease; disease burden and public health surveillance; small-area health studies; capacity building in ow- and middle-income countries.

  • Professor Salman Rawaf

    Personal details

    Professor Salman Rawaf Director of WHO Collaborating Centre, Department of Primary Care and Public Health

    Research interests

    Health systems organisation and management, primary care organisation, public health, NCD, training and medical education, and translation of research findings.

  • Professor Steven Riley

    Personal details

    Professor Steven Riley Professor of Infectious Disease Dynamics, Department of Infectious Disease Epidemiology

    Research interests

    The transmission of human pathogens. He conducts field studies, analyses data and uses mathematical models to look at scientific questions that are relevant to public health.

  • Professor Sonia Saxena

    Personal details

    Professor Sonia Saxena Professor of Primary Care, Department of Primary Care and Public Health

    Research interests

    preventive primary care, child public health, epidemiology of childhood and children’s healthcare and policy

  • Professor Mireille Toledano

    Personal details

    Professor Mireille Toledano Mohn Chair; Population Child Health & Director-Mohn Centre, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics

    Research interests

    Environmental and spatial epidemiology, with particular interests in non-ionizing radiation, reproductive outcomes, and early life environmental exposures.

  • Professor Ioanna Tzoulaki

    Personal details

    Professor Ioanna Tzoulaki Professor of Chronic Disease Epidemiology, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics

    Research interests

    Prediction and prognostic models for chronic diseases, environmental and genetic determinants of cardiovascular and metabolic diseases, empirical research methodology, assessment of biases in primary studies and meta-analyses.

  • Dr Eszter Vamos

    Dr Eszter Vamos

    Personal details

    Dr Eszter Vamos Clinical Senior Lecturer, Department of Primary Care and Public Health

    Research interests

    My main interests are the epidemiology, prevention and management of long-term condition particularly diabetes and its complications, cardiovascular disease and cancer. Evaluation of public health policy.

  • Professor Paolo Vineis

    Personal details

    Professor Paolo Vineis Chair in Environmental Epidemiology, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics

    Research interests

    Molecular epidemiology, exposomics. Social epidemiology, poverty, economic crisis and health. Cancer epidemiology. Models of carcinogenesis. Air pollution. Epigenetics. Metabolomics. Adductomics.

  • Dr Erik Volz

    Personal details

    Dr Erik Volz Reader in Population Biology of Infectious Diseases, Department of Infectious Disease Epidemiology

    Research interests

    Interaction of epidemiological dynamics and evolution of pathogens.

  • Professor Helen Ward

    Personal details

    Professor Helen Ward Professor of Public Health, Department of Infectious Disease Epidemiology

  • Professor Peter White

    Dr Peter White

    Personal details

    Professor Peter White Professor of Public Health Modelling, Department of Infectious Disease Epidemiology

    Research interests

    Health systems research and mathematical modelling of the epidemiology of, and (cost-) effectiveness of, interventions against, sexually transmitted infections (including HIV), TB, and influenza.

  • Dr Stephanie Wright

    Dr Stephanie Wright

    Personal details

    Dr Stephanie Wright Lecturer in Environmental Toxicology, Environmental Research Group

    Research interests

    Methods of microplastic detection, characterisation and quantification using vibrational- and mass spectrometry-based techniques coupled to chemometrics; Sources, transport, and fate of airborne microplastics; Exposure to microplastics in ambient and indoor air; Microplastic toxicology using in vitro models; Particle, fibre and chemical toxicology; Nanoplastics – detection, exposure, and toxicology.