Magdalena Drożdż
Dean's Prize winner
What did you most enjoy about your course?
I enjoyed being able to tailor the course to suit my needs and interests. I also liked the intensity of the programme - by conducting two research projects in a relatively short time, I gained invaluable knowledge and set of skills. Besides science, I enjoyed the social life within the course - supportive community, monthly coffee mornings and last but not least - departmental parties.
What did you most appreciate about the Faculty/College?
How approachable everyone is! Whenever I needed help, members of the Faculty were happy to answer my questions or discuss my scientific results. Additionally, being a Course Rep showed me how eager the Faculty and our Course Directors were to listen to students' voice and adjust the course if needed.
How did it feel to receive the Dean's Prize?
It felt amazing! I remember the first day of our course when the organisers mentioned the Dean's Prize - I looked around the room and tried to guess who would be the receiver. I would never think it would be me, especially because I have never done any real bioinformatics before. It was a great cherry on the-most-intense-year-of-my-life cake :)
What are you doing now/What do you plan on doing after graduation?
I am currently doing a DPhil in Cancer Informatics in the Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research at the University of Oxford.