

Group lead
Dr Robert Kypta
+44 (0)20 7594 1928

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Disease areas

What we do

We study the transduction of extracellular signals that determine cell fate and cell function in prostate cancer, particularly in metastatic and treatment-resistant disease. A major goal is to identify and characterise the cell-surface receptors and effectors of WNT and DKK family members and then use the information to develop new therapies. 

Why it is important

New treatments for prostate cancer have improved men´s lives but are also leading to the development of more aggressive, treatment-resistant cancer. Our research is aimed at finding new ways to prevent the growth and spread of treatment-resistant cancer.

How it can benefit patients

Our goal is to take the best of the inhibitors and function-blocking antibodies that we are presently studying in the lab to treat patients with prostate and other cancers.

Summary of current research

  • The function and epigenetic regulation of the tumour suppressor DKK3 in prostate cancer
  • Identification of new Glycogen Synthase Kinase-3 targets and inhibitors in prostate cancer
  • Targeting noncanonical Wnt signals in prostate cancer



  • Harvey Spack Memorial Fund
  • United Arab Emirates Ministry of Presidential Affairs

Public engagement

  • We host lab tours for the charities that fund our research


  • Alexandra Porter, Fang Xie, Faculty of Engineering, Imperial College London, Targeted treatment of cancer, 2020
  • Tobias Lange, Udo Schumacher, Institute of Anatomy and Experimental Morphology, University Medical Center Hamburg, WNT signalling in prostate cancer, 2020
  • Maria Vivanco, Center for Cooperative Research in Biosciences (CIC bioGUNE), Spain, WNT/SOX signalling in breast cancer, 2019
  • Andrew Silver, Amy Lewis, Queen Mary, University of London (QMUL) Blizard Institute, WNT/FZD signalling in Crohn's disease, 2019

For patients

  • Prostate Cancer UK - For information on prostate cancer, helplines manned by trained professionals as well as links to support groups and an online community

PhD students

When we have funding for PhD studentships, we advertise them through central channels such as Find a PhD. Information is also available on the Surgery and Cancer study page. If no studentships are currently advertised, please get in touch with the group lead with proposed project titles to discuss further. 

Current PhD students: 

Our researchers

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