Champion: Professional and Technical Career Development and Promotion
Tony Tarragona-Fiol
I started at Imperial in 1995, and am a father of 6. During the early years, child number 5 was born with Down Syndrome, when he was 2 he had ALL (Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia), during this time, Imperial was very supportive in giving me flexible time to be able to care for my son while in hospital.
What we're doing
I would like to help professional staff in managing expectations when applying for promotion via the Job Level Review exercise. I am working with HR on mapping job titles to grades, which will mean that job titles will be assigned a grade, and therefore will not need so much interpretation by the Hay or JLR review panels. This will also help staff who are seeking promotion via Job Level Review exercise by managing their expectations, especially when moving from an a to b grade. With regard to supporting our technicians, the College has a Technicians' Portal which offers career development and support for all technical staff at Imperial.
How to get help
- Departmental guidance on JLR and pay relativity
- College Career development opportunities
- Job level review guidelines
- Technicians portal
- Personal Review and Development Plan (PRDP)