Personal Review and Development Plan (PRDP)
The College-wide PRDP process is a valuable tool for developing the performance of all staff members; your annual PRDP meeting with your line manager is a two-way conversation that focuses on the previous year’s work and achievements, as well as your objectives and plans for the coming year. It also includes the preparation of an individual development plan, and is a chance to provide feedback to and receive feedback from your line manager.
PRDP forms
Academic Job Family PRDP Form (Word)
Learning and Teaching Job Family PRDP Form (Word)
Professional Technical and Operational Job Family PRDP Form (Word)
Clinical Academic Job Family PRDP Form (Word)
Under new arrangements agreed between Imperial College London and its NHS partners Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust and Chelsea & Westminster NHS Foundation Trust have a joint performance review annually with both their University and NHS Line Managers present for the review. The performance review will be supported by prior completion of a Clinical Academic Performance Review (PRDP), which covers NHS as well as academic activities. This ‘Clinical Academic Job Family PRDP’ form has been adapted from the current College PRDP paperwork and whilst it is separate and additional to individual Trust requirements for GMC revalidation, it should be included as supporting information for the GMC revalidation process.
This new process is mandatory for the following staff categories:
- College employed clinical academics with NHS sessions in their job plan,
- NHS employed clinical academics where there is a College recharge,
- MRC CARP fellows.
The PRDP process
The PRDP meeting can take place at any point in the year but please do make sure that you have a meeting by Friday 30th September 2022. After the meeting send a copy of the signed form to the Departmental Staffing & Business Support Manager who will log and confirm the date that the meeting was held in the ICIS Manager Self-Service system.
The Process:
1. The reviewer and reviewee should arrange their annual PRDP meeting date. This meeting should take place for a minimum of one hour in a space free of interruption.
2. The reviewer and reviewee should review and evaluate their previous PRDP form in advance of their PRDP conversation.
3. Before the meeting the reviewee should complete Part 1 of the PRDP form and send it to their reviewer at least one week before the PRDP meeting, to give them time to reflect on appropriate support they may wish to discuss.
4. At the meeting, the conversation should begin by evaluating their previous PRDP, followed by a reflection on Part 1, a further conversation regarding Part 2, and agreed future development objectives outlined in Part 3 (and Part 5 if applicable).
5. After the PRDP meeting is held, Part 4 should be completed by the reviewer and the form should be reviewed, agreed and signed by the reviewer and reviewee to finalise the completed PRDP form.
6. The reviewer should then forward the Finalised COMPLETED PRDP form to the Departmental Staffing & Business Support Manager by Friday 30th September 2022 to be recorded in ICIS.
It is the reviewee and reviewer's responsibility to hold PRDPs and to send the relevant documentation to the Departmental Staffing & Business Support Manager to record in your ICIS record. Lists of those who have not completed their PRDP is generated by HR and reports are taken and reviewed to the Provost Board early in the year.
Preparation and Prompts for the PRDP
Both Appraisee and Reviewer should come to the PRDP meeting with notes and ideas covering all aspects of the Appraisee’s contributions and achievements (as outlined above) to Imperial. The list below provides prompts for both that pre-meeting preparation and the conduct of the meeting itself.
1. Review last year’s work:
- What were the achievements of last year/ what are we proud of?
- What were the challenges and what was learnt?
- Talk about the extent to which last year’s objectives were met. What helped or hindered?
2. Focus on the coming year:
- Direction of the Division/Department in the future with any strategic objectives/challenges that may occur?
- Discuss objectives/goals that may need to occur?
- What existing tasks need further development?
- How can the skills and experience be built on within the year?
3. Development plans:
- What new skills or knowledge would be of help in the forthcoming year?
- What is available within the College/elsewhere?
- How does it fit in with wider aspirations?
4. Development planning:
Discuss any changes to the Job Description, Job Reviews and possible promotion aspirations or possibilities may be explored in more detail
Past Year
How well have you met/surpassed goals set last year and duties and responsibilities you have taken on since?
- What went well?
- Not so well?
Cover all aspects of your job:
- Teaching
- Research
- Administration
- Managerial
- Pastoral
- Other duties
- External roles
Do you:
- Have the resources and management support to carry out your job effectively?
- Know how to get mentoring and advice?
- Fully understand or have concerns about, Health and Safety practises in the workplace?
- Does your experience and practise match Imperial Expectations (Listed to the side)?
- Champion a positive approach to change and opportunity
- Communicate regularly and effectively within and across teams
- Consider the thoughts and expectations of others
- Deliver positive outcomes
- Encourage inclusive participation and eliminate discrimination
- Develop and grow skills and expertise
- Work in a planned and managed way
How well a valued member of the Imperial community do you feel?
Do Imperial and you live up to appropriate standards of Equality and Diversity?
Next Year
Note your main aims for the coming year, cover all aspects of your job:
- Teaching
- Research
- Administration
- Managerial
- Pastoral
- Other duties
- External roles
- Personal Development
What are your promotion/career goals?
How might you acquire the skills and experience to deliver these?
Teaching – of UG and PG supervision, teaching awards, development of new courses and materials etc.
Research- papers, presentations, conferences attended, Patents, Editorials, Research awards, participation in research seminars or PhD exams and grants in the previous year
Divisional/Departmental/Faculty/College Service and Leadership – Committee memberships Internal and external, administration involvement
External visibility – public engagement and outreach, Prestigious invited lectures, invite to write review articles, editorial commentaries in journals, guest editorships, membership on grants review panels, media mentions, outreach talks in schools.
Please draw attention to those items you think particularly noteworthy and most importantly explain what your contributions to, or on behalf of, the Department have been.
Mitigating circumstances around Covid-19
Reflect on the impact remote working, changes to process and wider consequences Covid has had on your past year pandemic e.g. working from home, caring or clinical duties, individual wellbeing. Discuss what support may be required to limit the impact of these on your work and career progression.
Having a quality conversation
The conversation in a PRDP is broader in focus than in more regular one-to-ones. Time should be specifically allocated to cover a review of the previous year and to discuss and agree specific aims and objectives for the next year, which should include details of personal and career development and aspirations.
- Set SMART objectives
- In setting your objectives distinguish between work/performance objectives and personal/development objectives
- Your PRDP and objectives should be reviewed regularly throughout the year
- Ensure workload issues are addressed during the meeting
- Don’t forget to include information about your outreach and public engagement activities (where applicable)
Everybody should take an interest in and responsibility for their own development. Your manager should be encouraging and supporting this activity, but there is a lot you can do yourself.
The Learning and Development Centre provides a wide range of courses to support personal, professional and leadership development. Information on training available at Imperial is available on the Learning and Development Centre webpage.
Postdoc Staff are encouraged to take up to 10 days for training and development opportunities and this is an ideal time to discuss with your manager how you would like to use this.
Mentoring is a widely used development tool that has proved to have a beneficial impact on effectiveness, confidence and career advancement. Staff may benefit from having a mentor who will be able to advise while remaining independent. Similarly becoming a mentor may be a developmental opportunity for a member of staff.
Mentors can be requested through the Mentoring Scheme or training to become a Mentor is available from the Learning and Development Centre. Having a mentor is an expectation for all academic staff.
There are occasions when job roles "grow" and the relevant promotions process may need to be considered if a job role has grown sufficiently to be re-graded.
You will be exempt from the PRDP process if you are on:
- Formal probation
- Maternity/parental and sabbatical leave
- Long term sickness absence
If this applies to you please notify the Departmental Staffing & Business Support Manager so that we can make a note for our records. On returning to work following a period of leave please ensure that a meeting with your manager takes place to give you time for discussion and work planning.
Where can I find out more
Guidance can be found on the College webpages. As the Department of Surgery & Cancer has their own PRDP forms please make sure to use the forms on the Surgery & Cancer PRDP page.
- College PRDP webpage
- College PRDP FAQs and resources
- Imperial expectations
- Learning and Development Centre (LDC) – provides a range of training courses from Performance development, academic, research and Health and Safety and much more.
- Imperial Leadership and Management Development Programme – aimed at leaders, Managers and Supervisors
- Imperial Professional Development
- Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Centre
- Postdoc and Fellows Development Centre
- Mentoring