Eric Aboagye doing Cancer Pharmacology

Maximising the impact of the department’s research activities

Join the Research Committee

Please contact Dr Rita Carvalho if you wish to join S&C's Research Committee.

Mission statement

The role of the departmental Research and Career Development Committee is to maximise the impact of the department’s research activities. The committee provides strategic oversight of research activities, ensuring an open, equitable and supportive research environment to support all staff and students in the department. It will link with other major research committees within Imperial College and associated NHS Trusts.

Find more information on department research and grant support.

Research and Career Development Action plan

Aim: To monitor the department’s research strategy and its implementation plans, including oversight of the academic recruitment strategy and succession planning. 

Objective Action
Ensure dissemination of the research strategy to the department Provide a link between the department Senior Management Board (SMB) and the Faculty (of Medicine) Research Committee (FRC).
Provide input into the FRC.
Provide input into the S&C Away Day.

Aim: To support the development of collaborative research within the department and in other departments at Imperial, including strategic funding plans. 

Objective Action
Promote inter- and cross-departmental collaborations Advertise the department webinars across the College to promote collaborations outside of the department.
Facilitate collaborations Add a Collaborations section in the Newsletter
Circulate a list of key words used in applications by PIs in the Department
Highlight list of centres and institutes in the College in the Research Support webpage

Aim: To ensure provision of support to staff and students to deliver high-quality, impactful research. 

Objective Action
Identify different types of impact Use or adapt the Visible the ImpaCT Of Research (VICTOR) tool.  The VICTOR tool sets out a framework for capturing research impacts at an organisational level.
Education and training on impact Promote activities such as open science, and train people on research culture
Develop a way/system to flag up and capture impact as it is identified/developed Explore the idea of using ResearchFish to capture areas of interest
Identify areas of high need and engage multi-disciplines

Aim: To oversee research career development amongst research faculty and staff, providing specific support not available elsewhere in the College. 

Objective Action
Retain skilled technical staff and postdocs Highlight internal jobs on the Research Support webpage and S&C newsletter – complete and ongoing
Promote research collaborations – ongoing
Support researchers in developing skills Highlight career and personal development on the Research Support webpage and S&C newsletter – complete and ongoing
Explore the option of making some masters training available to PhD students and early career researchers
Actively support career development Showcase positive career development 
Set-up S&C awards to give junior researchers an opportunity to acquire competitive funding

Aim: To support staff in applying for internal and external funding. 

Objective Action
Increase the chances of fellowship applications being successful. Set -up a peer-review and feedback process for fellowship applications – complete and ongoing
Improve compliance with grant application process, including established timelines. Develop a flow-chart and additional information documents on the application process – complete 
Schedule annual webinars on grant submission process – complete and ongoing 
Improve visibility of supporting information. Develop and maintain the Research and Career Development Committee webpage – complete and ongoing 
Update the Research Support webpage – ongoing 
Ensure regular communication of internally managed calls. Organise a webinar on internal calls delivered by Faculty
Circulate internal calls in a timely manner
  • To support the department for the REF submission
  • To consider and act on recommendations from the Culture and Engagement committee

Committee membership




Prof Anthony Gordon

Co-Chair, APMIC

Prof Amanda Cross

Co-Chair, Surgery

Dr Olga Kostopoulou

Reader in Medical Decision Making, IGHI/Surgery

Prof Simak Ali

Professor of Molecular Endocrine Oncology, Cancer

Dr Colin Bicknell

Clinical Reader in Vascular Surgery, Vascular

Dr Kieran O’Dea

Senior Lecturer in Translational Critical Care, APMIC

Dr Laura Kenny

Clinical Senior Lecturer in Medical Oncology, Cancer

Dr Brijesh Patel

Clinical Senior Lecturer in Cardiothoracic, APMIC

Prof Mary Wells

Lead Nurse for Research at Imperial Healthcare NHS Trust

Prof Caroline Alexander

Lead Clinical Academic for Allied Health Professionals

Dr Padmanabhan Ramnarayan

Reader in Paediatric Critical Care, APMIC

Dr Rohini Sharma

Reader in Clinical Pharmacology & Medical Oncology

Mr Stefan Antonowicz

Clinical Senior Lecturer in Upper Gastro Surgery

Dr Nadia Soliman

Research Associate, APMIC

Dr Patrick Kierkegaard

Research Fellow, Surgery

Philip Leung

PhD student

Ms Elsa Paul

Culture and Engagement Committee representative, S&C

Dr Rita Carvalho

Research Manager, S&C