President’s PhD Scholarships

The Department of Medicine is looking for talented students for the President’s PhD Scholarship. For further information, please see the College website.

Find out more information about postgraduate fees and funding

Funding is often secured through Wellcome Trust or MRC DTP Fellowships. Further information about this funding (and specific projects studying under the supervision of Department of Medicine supervisors who have obtained funding) are advertised below.

‌‌2018/19 full-time Home/EU fees are £5,900.00 per annum, and Overseas fees are £37,200.00per annum. It should be noted that supervisors may charge an additional ‘bench fee’ from sponsors to cover the costs of laboratory expenses (consumables and equipment) for postgraduate research projects.   

Three- or four-year MRC-funded PhD Studentships

MRC Research Studentships enable graduates with excellent honours degrees to undertake a three- to four-year training programme, that includes a research project plus training in research methods and transferable key skills, leading to the submission of a doctoral thesis and the award of a PhD.

The Wellcome Trust four-year PhD Training Programme in the Molecular and Cellular Basis of Infection

A particular strength of Imperial College lies in the field of Infection research, in which there is a rich and diverse portfolio of expertise with internationally competitive groups working within many Divisions and Departments. It is for this reason that the College developed the Molecular & Cellular Basis of Infection as the scientific theme for this Wellcome Trust 4-year PhD Programme.

Translational Medicine Training Fellowship Programme

The Translational Medicine Training (TMT) Fellowship Programme at Imperial College, funded by the Wellcome Trust and GlaxoSmithKline, is designed to train the next generation of clinical scientists in Experimental Medicine.
A central theme is the development and application of new tools of clinical investigation to test hypotheses about human pathophysiology and evaluate new treatments in vivo. Because of the high density of state-of-the-art PET and MRI equipment at the Hammersmith Campus, there is a strong emphasis on the use of clinical imaging. For further information please see Translational Medicine Training Fellowship Programme.

3D Cardiac Motion in Experimental Models of Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension- Modelling MRI Data by an Artificial Intelligence Approach

Applications are invited for an EPSRC funded PhD project ‘3D Cardiac Motion in Experimental Models of Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension – Modelling MRI Data by an Artificial Intelligence Approach’ supervised by Professor Lan Zhao and Dr Wenjia Bai. Funding provides 3 years home/EU tuition fees and 3 years bursary at £18,000 per  year. For more information please see PhD proposal

Project TrIFIC 1 -Deep immuno-profiling of Aspergillus bronchitis and allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis in cystic fibrosis

Applications are invited for a Cystic Fibrosis Trust funded 3-year PhD studentship. This studentship is integral to a major Strategic Research Centre in Fungal Immunotherapy (TrIFIC) made to Imperial College London collaborating with the University of Manchester, University of Exeter, University of Massachusetts and Radboud University Nijmegen.  The supervisor is  Dr Armstrong-James ( For further information please see: Project TrIFIC 1

TrIFIC 2 - Modulating Cell Death Pathways in Pulmonary Aspergillosis

Applications are invited for a Cystic Fibrosis Trust funded 3-year PhD studentship. This studentship is integral to a major Strategic Research Centre in Fungal Immunotherapy (TrIFIC) made to Imperial College London collaborating with the University of Manchester, University of Exeter, University of Massachusetts and Radboud University Nijmegen. Dr Darius Armstrong-James, Dr Anand Shah (MRC CARP, School of Public Health, Imperial) and Professor Frank van der Veer are the academic supervisors. For further information please see: TrIFIC 2

TrIFIC 3 -Antigen specific immune responses in Cystic Fibrosis Aspergillus related lung disease

Applications are invited for a Cystic Fibrosis Trust funded 3-year PhD studentship. This studentship is integral to a major Strategic Research Centre in Fungal Immunotherapy (TrIFIC) made to Imperial College London collaborating with the University of Manchester, University of Exeter, University of Massachusetts and Radboud University Nijmegen. Dr Peter Kelleher and Dr Anand Shah are the academic supervisors. For further information please see: TrIFIC 3

TrIFIC 4 - Adaptive immunity and its modulation in Aspergillus fumigatus infection and ABPA (Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis) in patients with Cystic Fibrosis.

Applications are invited for a Cystic Fibrosis Trust funded 3-year PhD studentship. This studentship is integral to a major Strategic Research Centre in Fungal Immunotherapy (TrIFIC) made to Imperial College London collaborating with the University of Manchester, University of Exeter, University of Massachusetts and Radboud University Nijmegen The Supervisor is Professor Rosemary Boyton. For further information please see: TrIFIC 4

Child and Adolescent Eating Disorders Research – at the Centre for Psychiatry, Brain Sciences Division, Imperial College London. PhD studentship: Understanding the relationship between development of reflective function and eating disorders in young people. 

We invite applications for an Imperial College funded PhD studentship on an exciting interdisciplinary project to investigate the development of reflective function in young people and its relationship to eating disorders. For further information please see:  DN PhD Studentship 

PhD Studentship: Quantitative MRI for the Study of Brain Disease - Department of Medicine, Division of Brain Sciences.

Applications are invited for a 4-year PhD studentship in Quantitative MAuRI for the Study of Brain Disease to be carried out across both the Department of Brain Sciences (Hammersmith Campus) and Bioengineering (South Kensington Campus). For further informaiton please see: PhD Studentship: Quantitative MRI for the Study of Brain Disease