Elsie Widdowson Award

The Department of Medicine has specific guidance for staff wishing to apply for an Elsie Widdowson Fellowship AwardApplications will need to take the following format:

1) Letter of application written by applicant, covering the following requirements:

- a brief outline of the planned research activity and expected outcomes, including intended dates;
- teaching commitments, and when would be a suitable time for the Fellowship award to commence in relation to these commitments.

Please note that this must be sent as a Word or PDF file. Text in the body of an e-mail is insufficient. 

2) Confirmation of Departmental support from Head of Department

Please send your letter of application directly to Leah Grey (leah.grey@imperial.ac.uk). She will then liaise with the Head of Department, Professor Martin Wilkins, and raise the letter of support where appropriate, forwarding all documentation to HR. This will enable the Department to keep a record of applications and their outcomes, which will also be helpful for our ongoing commitment to Athena SWAN.

3) Submit an application form

Once you have received confirmation from the Head of Department, please submit an application via the online form.