Facts and figures

The Faculty of Medicine - our size and shape

The statistics for the Faculty of Medicine activity presented here are drawn from the College pocket statistics guide (Imperial College London Statistics Guide 2021-22)*.

  1. Numbers have been rounded as appropriate.
  2. MRes students are counted as research students.

* You can check for the latest published updates to the College's statistics information on the College Data and Statistic Catalogue webpages under 'College Overview'.

Faculty of Medicine size and shape

Student : staff ratios

Full-time equivalent staff numbers and student : staff ratios (2021-22)

Academic staffResearch staffSupport staffStudent FTEStudent : staff ratio
 477  996  1,156  4,676  9.3: 1


  • The student : staff ratio is the ratio of student load to academic staff.
  • Student FTE has been calculated from the 31 December 2021 Snapshot figures, based on the methodology employed by HESA.
  • The student FTE does not take into account fluctuations due to study patterns.
  • Short courses are excluded. Numbers exclude occasional students.
  • Numbers exclude postgraduate research students who are writing up.
  • Staff numbers are inclusive of all sources of funding
mary of the table's contents

UG applications and admissions

Applications and admissions - Undergraduate Medicine (2021-22)

Home/EU applications received for 2021-22 entryOverseas applications received for 2021/22 entryNew admissions 2021-22Applications : admissions ratio for 2021-22 entry
2,919  2,464  516  10.4 : 1


  • Applications as at 31 October 2021. Applications for deferred entry in 2021 are included.
  • Applications and admissions data excludes Graduate Entry Medicine, Intercalated Medicine and Oxbridge Applicants. 
  • Numbers exclude occasional students.
Summary of the table's contents

PG applications and admissions

Applications and admissions - Postgraduate Medicine (2021-22)

Applications received for 2021-22 entry (taught)Applications received for 2021-22 entry (research)New admissions 2021-22 (taught)New admissions 2021-22 (research)Applications : admissions ratio for 2021-22 entry
 3,314  1,568  915  367  3.8 : 1


  • Applications and admissions include full-time and part-time students.
  • Data do not include applications and admissions for courses where the applications and/or admissions are not handled centrally by the College.
  • Numbers exclude occasional students.
  • Applications data include applications received up to May 2022.
Summary of the table's contents

UG degrees awarded

Undergraduate degrees awarded (2021)

 First2.1TotalPercentage of first / 2.1
 Medicine - MBBS n/a n/a  309 n/a 
 School of Medicine 331 125 457 99.8%
Total includes all degree classifications. Total does not include awards made to occasional students. 2 The Intercalated students whose Intercalated year was in a department outside of Medicine have been included in the home department – Bioengineering and Business School
Summary of the table's contents

Academic expenditure

Academic expenditure (2020-21)

 General funds (staff, in £k)General funds (other, in £k)Research grants and contracts (staff, in £k)Research grants and contracts (other, in £k)
Faculty of Medicine 105,440 34,139 88,220 53,337
Summary of the table's contents

Research grants and contracts

Research grants and contracts income (2020-21)

 Faculty of Medicine (All figures in £k)
Research councils 38,428
UK charities 46,332
UK gov., including health authorities 43,439
UK industry 6,379
EU and overseas industry 9,192
EU government bodies 8,137
Other 17,865
Total 169,771
Note - 'EU government bodies' category includes the European Commission.
Summary of the table's contents


External rankings

The Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings - Subject rankings 2023

  • The Times Higher Education World University Rankings judge world-class universities across all of their core missions - teaching, research, knowledge transfer and international outlook.  The Clinical and Health subject ranking table highlights the universities that are leading medicine, dentistry and health subjects.
  • Imperial College was ranked joint 4th in the world for Clinical and Health for 2023.

The Complete University Guide - University Subject Tables 2024

  • The Complete University Guide University Subject Table for Medicine ranks UK universities by entry standards, student satisfaction, research quality and graduate prospects. 
  • Imperial College was ranked 4th in the UK for Medicine by the Complete University Guide in 2024. (The Complete University Guide Rankings table for 2024 was published in June 2023)

More about our rankings
- further information about the Faculty of Medicine and other College rankings is available in the College League tables pages.

Research Excellence Framework (REF) 2021

The College submitted to the following medicine-related Units of Assessment within Main Panel A in REF 2021:

  • Unit of Assessment 1 - Clinical Medicine
  • Unit of Assessment 2 - Public Health, Health Services and Primary Care
  • Unit of Assessment 4 - Psychology, Psychiatry and Neuroscience

Overall quality profile (percentage of research activity at each quality level)

UoA4*3*2*1*u/cCat A FTE
1 - Clinical Medicine  60 34 6 0 0 438.9
2 - Public Health, Health Services and Primary Care 78  21  1 0 0 79.5
4 - Psychology, Psychiatry and Neuroscience 75 24 1 0 0 34.9

Data reproduced from full table of Imperial's overall scores by UoA on the College REF 2021 webpages.

For more information on the College's performance in REF2021, visit the College's Research Excellence Framework web pages.