What did you do before joining the Trainee Scheme?

Before joining Imperial as a finance trainee, I completed a MEng degree in Mechanical Engineering at UCL. As part of the programme, I undertook various finance modules alongside the core syllabus and spent a large part of my final year working on a data science project for a Formula 1 team. kavan Matharoo headshot

What attracted you to the Scheme?

Whilst completing my engineering degree, I really enjoyed the finance modules that I took and knew that I wanted to pursue a career in finance after university. However, having not had much experience in working in the sector before, I didn’t know what part of finance I wanted to pursue a career in which is where the rotational aspect of the trainee scheme really appealed to me. I also found the idea of working for a world leading institution very exciting especially one where innovation is at the forefront. I also found the support that Imperial offers for completing the accounting qualification exceptional. Finance trainees receive one to one support with planning exams, taking study leave, and ensuring the rotations on the scheme meet the professional experience requirements of the qualification.

What has been the highlight of your time on the Scheme?

The highlight for me has definitely been the level of responsibility that I have been exposed to since I joined the scheme. Trainees are incredibly valued members of staff at the college and I have been extremely lucky to have had the opportunity to work directly with many senior members of staff throughout my first two placements. I have also enjoyed how rewarding the work has been and it really feels as though you are making a difference to the College.

What has been the biggest challenge?

The biggest challenge was definitely having very little experience in finance before I joined the scheme with the majority of my background being in engineering. However, the support that I have received has been incredible and has really made me feel comfortable in asking questions of my managers whenever needed. I also joined the scheme during the Covid pandemic so my first year as a trainee was working from home which I thought would be a big challenge but everyone in the team has made me feel incredibly comfortable and I really felt a valued part of the organisation as soon as I joined.